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Replication package for the paper Mutation testing of smart contracts at scale.


1. How to use this replication package?

This replication package can be used in at least five different ways. The interested reader could:

  1. Read the paper and inspect the seven-point checklist for mutation research in section 2. below.
  2. Study comparison.xlsx, which compares the mutation operators of all related work that we are aware of with the mutation operators that we have implemented.
  3. Inspect the source code of our tools chainsol.js and mutasol.js.
  4. Study an original contract, its mutants, and the main output generated for that contract, which is Vitaluck_3b400b.dir.
  5. Re-run all our experiments, but please note that this would take 10-14 weeks on a single machine and about 0.5 TB of disk space to do.

2. Seven-point Mutation Testing Checklist

We use the recently proposed checklist [Papadakis2019] for research on mutation testing to analyse our work.

2.1 Mutant selection

The mutation operators consist of the minimum standard Mothra set plus a number of experimental Solidity specific operators based on all the related work that we are aware of. We have provided a few examples in the background section of the paper to motivate the choice of operators in the paper, but this does not constitute proof that common errors in Solidity programs are captured by exactly the chosen operators.

2.2 Mutation testing tool

We have implemented a bespoke mutation tool in JavaScript and the source is available in this replication package. The file comparison.xlsx in this replication package provides a detailed specification of the mutation operators.

The mutation generation tool uses uniform random selection of mutation operators and operands.

Calls to block.timestamp do not cause non-deterministic behaviour as all transactions in the tests happen in the test environment at exactly the same time as they happened historically.

Calls to block.blockhash may generate non-deterministic results, but we excluded contracts that make such calls.

2.3 Mutant redundancy

We have used a state-of-the-art method [Kintis2018] to discard redundant mutants.

2.4 Test suite choice and size

We have used a relatively large sample of smart contracts that are representative for the entire collection of verified smart contracts available from Etherscan. This collection however, is probably not representative for the entire population of smart contracts. For example, many smart contracts in this larger population are clones of other smart [He2019], but this is not the case for verified smart contracts from Etherscan. From a uniform random sample of 500 verified smart contract we have calculated the normalised edit distance (NLD) of all pairs and found that less than 1% of the pairs have an NLD of less than 20%, and less than 5% of all pairs have an NLD of less than 60%. This means that the vast majority of all pairs are different.

The tests are all the same size, as each makes exactly 50 calls to a contract method.

The tests are replay tests, which have not been designed as tests by developers of smart contracts, and can therefore only be regarded as a baseline for real tests.

2.5 Clean program assumption

A limitation of this study is that we rely implicitly on the clean program assumption because we use existing smart contracts.

2.6 Multiple experimental repetitions

We have performed the main experiment with a relatively large number of smart contracts.

In a second experiment, we have tried to improve the test coverage by downloading double the number of historic transactions (i.e., 100) for a uniform sub sample of 63 smart contracts, but the results remain essentially the same.

2.7 Presentation of the results

The results are presented aggregated over the entire sample of smart contracts, which is larger than in all related research that we are aware of.

2.8 References

  • [He2019] Ningyu He, Lei Wu, Haoyu Wang, Yao Guo, and Xuxian Jiang. Characterizing code clones in the ethereum smart contract ecosystem. Technical report, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, May 2019. URL.
  • [Kintis2018] Marinos Kintis, Mike Papadakis, Yue Jia, Nicos Malevris, Yves Le Traon, and Mark Harman. Detecting trivial mutant equivalences via compiler optimisations. IEEE Trans. on software engineering, 44(4):308-333, Apr 2018. URL.
  • [Papadakis2019] Mike Papadakis, Marinos Kintis, Jie Zhang, Yue Jia, Yves Le Traon, and Mark Harman. Mutation testing advances: An analysis and survey. In Advances in Computers, volume 112, pages 275-378. Elsevier, 2019. URL.

3. Setup

Please start by cloning this repository, Mutation-at-scale:

git clone

3.1 Assumptions

We assume the reader to be familiar with node, npm, and truffle. See Node and Truffle for the relevant documentation.

4. Programs

There are two main programs in the replication package: chainsol.js and mutasol.js. The first, chainsol.js, downloads a contract from Etherscan, as described here Truffle-tests-for-free. The second program, mutasol.js, generates mutants, as described in the paper. These two programs use auxiliary modules: comments.js, prepare.js, soljson.js, and evm_decoder.js, all of which are available in the package.

4.1 Dependencies on npm modules

The programs chainsol.js and mutasol.js have a number of dependencies that can be installed in the $HOME directory as follows (tested on Ubuntu 18.04.3). The software is intended to run on a dedicated VM, hence for convenience everything is installed in the home directory.

npm install \
        abi-decoder \
        assert \
        child_process \
        etherscan-api \
        js-levenshtein \
        json-stringify-safe \
        levelup \
	md5 \
        mysql \
        net \
        node-fetch \
        path \
        plotter \
        puppeteer \
        random-seed \
        sleep \
        solc \
        stringify-object \
        web3 \
        web3-utils \
        truffle \
npm install git://

4.2 Dependencies on Solidity compiler versions

The programs chainsol.js and mutasol.js also depend on the appropriate version of the solidity compiler.

The call mutasol.js -c will generate a script to download the Solidity compiler binaries from Emscripten binaries into the directory $HOME/soljson as follows:

$ node mutasol.js -c >$HOME/soljson/
$ cd $HOME/soljson/
$ sh script

After running the script, the soljson directory should contain one file per major compiler version as follows:

├── soljson-v0.1.1+commit.6ff4cd6.js
├── soljson-v0.1.2+commit.d0d36e3.js
├── soljson-v0.1.3+commit.28f561.js
├── soljson-v0.5.1+commit.c8a2cb62.js
├── soljson-v0.5.2+commit.1df8f40c.js
├── soljson-v0.5.3+commit.10d17f24.js
└── soljson-v0.5.4+commit.9549d8ff.js

4.3 Dependencies on programs

The script uses jq, which is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor:

sudo apt install -y jq

The replication package has been tested with these versions of the tools:

$ npm -v
$ node -v
$ ganache-cli --version
Ganache CLI v6.4.4 (ganache-core: 2.5.6)
$ truffle -v
Truffle v5.0.2 - a development framework for Ethereum
$ jq --version
$ sed --version
sed (GNU sed) 4.7

4.4 Dependencies on Truffle-tests-for-free

The program chainsol.js originates from Truffle-tests-for-free and it has been integrated in the replication package. The file scrapedContractsVerified.json contains a list of key information about all verified smart contracts that were available on Etherscan on 1 January 2019. The list includes the smart contracts from Truffle-tests-for-free.

5. Structure of the replication package

After running all mutants, there will be 1120 directories, with names derived from the name and address of the contract, e.g. Vitaluck_3b400b.dir. Each directory contains all files and directories needed by truffle test and many output files.

5.1 Creating the contract directories and the log files

The script makes 1120 calls to with the address of a contract to download, generate and execute the mutants. We have run in parallel for all contracts on 14 machines, which took about one week.

The following example call to will create the Vitaluck_3b400b.dir directory.

$ bash 0xef7c7254c290df3d167182356255cdfd8d3b400b

The output of should look something like this:

Starting in Vitaluck_3b400b.dir

✔ Preparing to download
✔ Downloading
✔ Cleaning up temporary files
✔ Setting up box

Unbox successful. Sweet!


  Compile:        truffle compile
  Migrate:        truffle migrate
  Test contracts: truffle test

Starting Mutant Vitaluck.sol_0
Starting Mutant Vitaluck.sol_9
Finished in Vitaluck_3b400b.dir

Running may generate warnings like this /bin/rm: cannot remove '/tmp/tmp-5818PkSXWctk5kNI': Operation not permitted, because the script is trying to remove some debris produced by truffle. Such warnings can be ignored.

5.2 Structure of the directories

For each contract there is a directory <contract>_<address>.dir, where <contract> is the name of the contract, and <address> is the last 6 hex digits of the address of the contract. The hex digits are used to disambiguate contracts with the same name. The structure of a contract directory is as follows:

├── bqtrace.json
├── chainsol.log
├── contracts
│   ├── Migrations.sol
│   ├── <contract>.sol.original
│   └── <contract>.sol_<mutant>.mut
├── deployment.json
├── ganache_debug_<contract>.sol.log.gz
├── ganache_debug_<contract>.sol_<mutant>.log.gz
├── <contract>.cover
├── <contract>.sol_<mutant>.log
├── <contract>.sol_<mutant>.log.diff
├── <contract>_<mutant>.histogram.gz
├── <contract>_<mutant>.inspace.gz
├── migrations
│   └── 1_initial_migration.js
├── mutasol.log
├── test
│   ├── <contract>.js
│   └── support.js
├── truffle-config.js
└── truffle.log

5.3 Original contracts

The file <contract>.js in the test directory is the de-compiled version of the first 50 historic transactions of the contract. The file support.js in the test directory contains some useful helper functions for the test. (The same file appears in all 1120 directories.) The files in the test directory are generated by chainsol.js.

The contracts directory contains the solidity files related to the contract. The file Migrations.sol in the contracts directory is the migration file needed by the Truffle framework. The file <contract>.sol.original in the contracts directory is the original code of the contract as downloaded from Etherscan by chainsol.js.

The files ganache_debug_<contract>.sol.log.gz contain the gzipped log generated by ganache-cli for the original contracts (output by the script). We have used a locally modified version of ganache-cli with a non-standard debug output that also prints the PC alongside the EVM instruction. This extra information is needed for the calculation of the coverage of the tests. The files ganache_debug_<contract>.sol_<mutant>.log.gz contain the same information as above but for the mutants (output by the script).

The file deployment.json contains the ABI, and the bytecode of the contract, which we have downloaded from Google BigQuery. The results of this download are stored in the Traces directory.

5.4 Truffle test files

The following files and directories are standard for truffle tests: 1_initial_migration.js in the migrations directory, and truffle-config.js. These are generated by chainsol.js.

5.5 Mutants of the contracts

The files <contract>.sol_<mutant>.mut in the contracts directory are the 50 mutants. The files <contract>.sol_<mutant>.log contain the logfiles from running truffle test on each mutant (output by the script).

5.6 Data files

The file bqtrace.json contains the first 50 internal and external transactions of the contract, downloaded from Google BigQuery. The file chainsol.log is the log generated by chainsol.js while downloading and generating the test for the contract. The file mutasol.log is the log generated by mutasol.js while generating the mutants. The file truffle.log contains the log of running truffle test (output by the script).

6 Analysis

Please run the following script to perform a basic analysis:

$ bash

This script processes the data in all diractories named <contract>_<address>.dir. For each directory it should generate 50 files with the extension .diff, i.e. one per mutant. It echoes the name of the dirotories processed.

6.1 The output of the basic analysis explained

The files with a .diff extension provide a basic analysis of the differences between the outputs of the original contract and a specific mutant. For example, the first part of the .diff file for mutant 25 shows the textual change of the mutant.

+ diff contracts/Vitaluck.sol.original contracts/Vitaluck.sol_25.mut
<             if(_finalRandomNumber >= 900) {
>             if(_finalRandomNumber >=  /*mutation*/ 1 /*noitatum*/ ) {

The second part shows the number of lines in the output of seven diff commands, one per type of output.

The example below shows that the given mutant is killed by differences in event outputs (the line with eventResult has a non-zero value) and by differences in method outputs (see the line with methodResult).

  • There are no differences in the transaction status (the line with txResult has a 0 value).
  • The lines with fromBalance and toBalance are not used.
  • There are differences in gas consumption between the original and the mutant (see the line with txGasUsed). This means that the original and the mutant do not consume exactly the same amount of gas. However, this does not mean that the mutant is also killed by the gas limit criterion. Instead, the calculation is done in the advanced analysis of differences.
  • There are no differences in the time stamps of the blocks (see the line txTime). Even if there are differences, this does not mean that the transactions in the mutant and the original execute at different times. Instead, the differences are due to the fact that the time stamps of the first 3 blocks, which are created before the contract is deployed.
   38 /tmp/Diff_91970/Vitaluck.sol_25.log.eventResult.diff
   56 /tmp/Diff_91970/Vitaluck.sol_25.log.fromBalance.diff
  244 /tmp/Diff_91970/Vitaluck.sol_25.log.methodResult.diff
   38 /tmp/Diff_91970/Vitaluck.sol_25.log.toBalance.diff
   56 /tmp/Diff_91970/Vitaluck.sol_25.log.txGasUsed.diff
    0 /tmp/Diff_91970/Vitaluck.sol_25.log.txResult.diff
    0 /tmp/Diff_91970/Vitaluck.sol_25.log.txTime.diff
  432 total

6.2 Advanced analysis

The advanced analysis scripts are not included in the replication package because we were unable to make them sufficiently robust in the time we had available. Instead we have included the outputs of the scripts in the replication package. These are:


The data file kill_summary_000_1120.csv contains many columns, of which the following are the most relevant:

  • run indicates the killing decision, which can be Limit, TxEvMeth, or TxEvMethLimit.
  • maxTx indicates the number of the current transaction, where Tx 0 is the deployment transaction.
  • name is the name of the contract (disambiguated).
  • address is the address of the contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • SLOC is the number of source lines of the contract.
  • transactions indicates how many transactions were made against the contract on 1 Jan 2019.
  • ether is the amount of Ether stored in the contract on 1 Jan 2019.
  • version is the compiler version (from the pragma in the course code).
  • registration_date is the date at which the contract was registered as a verified smart contract on Etherscan.
  • methodCnt is the number of different pure methods in the source code of the mutant.
  • instructionCnt is the number of instructions in the byte code of the compiled mutant.
  • executionCnt is the number of bytecodes of the mutant that have been executed.
  • compFailCnt is the number of still born mutants for the contract.
  • mutNotEqCnt is the number of trivially non-equivalent mutants of the contract.
  • killCnt is the number of mutants killed.

The data file kill_detail_TxEvMethLimit.csv contains 10 columns, of which the following are most relevant:

  • mutant indicates the mutant number.
  • operator indicates which mutation operator was applied.
  • status indicates whether the test was killed by the mutant before the manual analysis.

The file kill_summary.pdf shows on page 6 how Figure 1 from the paper was generated by SPSS from the data file kill_summary_000_1120.csv.

The file kill_detail.pdf shows on page 12-14 how Table 3 from the paper was generated from the data file kill_detail_TxEvMethLimit.csv. The two PDFs also show many of the descriptive statistics and rank correlations that have been used in the paper.

6.3 Manually analysing the stratified sample

The results of manually analysing the five contracts from the stratified sample of Table 4 are included in five different .csv files:


Each of these .csv files contains 10 columns, of which the following are most relevant.

  • mutant indicates the mutant number.
  • operator indicates which mutation operator was applied.
  • status indicates whether the test was killed by the mutant before the manual analysis.
  • notes indicates what needs to be done to make the mutant killable.
  • details indicates how the test could be updated. Note that we have not actually updated any tests, nor have we executed new tests.