Builds a docker image for a pulsar analysis packages with sigpyproc and few extras on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Base forked from @mserylak.
- sigpyproc
- miniconda with:
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- h5py
- astropy
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- and all their dependencies (fftw, etc)
You'll find all pulsar software in /home/psr/software, environment variables are set according to ~/.mysetenv.bash file.
To build:
docker build -t pulsar_docker .
To run image:
docker run -it pulsar_docker /bin/bash
To mount data directory into the docker container with the -v flag:
docker run -it -v <data_location>:/data pulsar_docker /bin/bash
This will drop you in to an ubuntu os with bash shell with all data in /data.
To run the image with X11 and mounted data directory, run the container first:
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -v <data_location>:/data pulsar_docker
Check if container is running with docker ps -a. You can log in using psr as password:
ssh -XY psr@localhost -p 2222
Change permissions on /miniconda folder: TODO. Report problems to [email protected]