I loved Stuart Lodge's MvvmCross, so I built several services on it that I've used on a few projects with great success.
- All plugins will be available through nuget
- WinStore & WinPhone platform plugins are in the works
##User Dialogs Allows for messagebox style dialogs
- Action Sheet (multiple choice menu)
- Alert
- Prompt
- Confirm
- Loading
- Progress
- Toast
#Powered By:
- Android - Progress/Loading uses AndHUD
- iOS - Progress/Loading uses BTProgressHUD
- WinPhone - All dialogs by Coding4Fun Toolkit
##Bar Code Scanner Powered by Redth's ZXing.Net.Mobile
new MvxCommand(async () => {
var scan = Mvx.Resolve<IBarCodeScanner>();
var r = await scan.Read(flashlightText: "Turn on flashlight", cancelText: "Cancel");
Result = (r.Success
? String.Format("Barcode Result - Format: {0} - Code: {1}", r.Format, r.Code)
: "Cancelled barcode scan"
##Network I needed something beyond what MvvmCross had out of the box. I had a requirement for detecting network state changes so that we could inform the user when they were working in an offline state.
- INetworkService subscribes to INotifyPropertyChanged and monitors the device network status
- You can also use MvxMessenger to subscribe to NetworkStatusChangedMessage to watch for changes outside of your view model
##Settings A simple settings library that works differently than the traditional setting plugins out there. Instead, my approach was to work with an observable dictionary.
##Device Info Allows you to get the information of the device for auditing purposes
- Device Manufacturer
- Operating System and Version
- Front and rear facing cameras
- Screen Resolution