PowerShell DSC Resource for managing properties on any Active Directory Object.
Note: Right now there is no support for forcing the deletion of objects marked with the "Protect object from accidental deletion" option. This may or may not be added based on community feedback. So far the consensus from my coworkers is that the DSC Resource should not allow you to override that protection.
# Define the configuration.
Configuration ADObjectExample {
Import-DscResource -Name xADObjectResource
Node $AllNodes.NodeName {
xADObject ExampleADObject {
DistinguishedName = $Node.DistinguishedName
Property = $Node.Property
Credential = $ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.Credential
# Define the configuration data to pass in.
$ConfigurationData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = "FABRIKAM-DC1"
DistinguishedName = "CN=Jeff Smith,OU=Sales,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM"
Property = @{
Description = "Jeff is a great guy!"
GivenName = "Jeff"
Surname = "Smith"
NonNodeData = @{
Credential = (Get-Credential)
# Create the MOF file.
ADObjectExample -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData -OutputPath = C:\FabrikamExample
# Execute the configuration.
Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:\FabrikamExample -Wait -Verbose