An example project that uses Storm, Node.js, and Redis in order to display tweet locations on a Google Map in real-time. To gather Twitter data, the Twitter Streaming API is used.
- Node.js
- Maven build tool for Java
- Redis
Maven should handle all other Java related dependencies using the m2-pom.xml file included in the project.
##Running Start a Redis server. The location of the server is specified in the file. Currently, it is configured to look for one running on the local machine.
Run the Node.js application. Navigate to nodejs folder and run the command below. It is currently configured to look for a redis server on the localhost as well. The node server will run on localhost:3000.
node app.js
Lastly, start the Storm topology with the following command. On the first run, Maven will attempt to download all of the required Java libraries.
mvn -f m2-pom.xml compile exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=compile -Dexec.mainClass=storm.starter.TwitterStream
Navigate to localhost:3000/ in a web browser and the application should be running.