Clone the git repository of the Logo Capstone Project from Github.
Clone Tensorflow's Object Detection API from Github.
Either execute
# From Logo Capstone Project directory
$ conda create --name mypy3
and follow the installation instructions, or install the required packages with
# From Logo Capstone Project directory
$ conda create --name mypy3 --file requirements-mypy3.txt
Ask for permission and then download the Logos in the Wild dataset to the Logo Capstone Project directory.
Download the superset QMUL-OpenLogo Dataset (4.7 GB) that contains all available JPEGs to the Logos In the Wild dataset.
After changing in Logo Capstone Project/move_JPEG_files.sh the variable "oldpath" to the absolute path of your LogosInTheWild-v2/data-directory and "newpath" to the absolute path of your openlogo/JPEGImages-directory, enter the following:
# From Logo Capstone Project directory
$ ./move_JPEG_files.sh
- In order to remove XML files without corresponding JPEG images from the Logos in the Wild dataset and du adjust brand names, remove the 0samples folder from the LogosInTheWild-v2/data directory, and execute in a separate Conda environment with Python 2.7 and opencv-python
# From LogosInTheWild-v2/scripts directory
$ python create_clean_dataset.py --roi --in ../data --out ../cleaned-data
This outputs that 9,428 images and 821 brands were processed, while 1,330 JPEG files were unavailable.
- Open Logo Capstone Project/logo_classification.ipynb in a jupyter notebook, adjust the paths and execute the cells.
For this necessary conversion of our dataset to Tensorflow's TFRecord file format, copy our adaption of Tensorflow's create_pascal_tf_record.py script create_and_analyze_pascal_tf_record.py from the Logo Capstone Project to the LogosInTheWild-v2 directoy.
In order to convert the Logos in the Wild dataset to TFRecord files, we run
# From LogosInTheWild-v2 directory
$ python create_and_analyze_pascal_tf_record.py --data_dir=./data/voc_format --label_map_path=./data/pascal_label_map.pbtxt --output_path=./data/
This converts 6,034 images with annotations into the 10 training TFRecord files \path{pascal_train.record-0000i-of-00010}, and 1,508 images with annotations into the 10 validation TFRecord files \path{pascal_val.record-0000i-of-00010} for i=0,...,9. Further, in LogosInTheWild-v2/data this created \path{test_images.txt} containing the absolute path of the 1,886 images in the test set, and pascal_label_map.pbtxt containing 821 entries like the following:
item {
id: 262
name: 'starbucks-text'
- Make sure to move the respective files (from the Capstone Project Repository) so that the directory structure is as recommended in Tensorflow's running_locally.md:
- "data" directory
- pascal_label_map.pbtxt
- 10 files pascal_train.record-0000i-of-00010 for i = 0,...,9
- 10 files pascal_val.record-0000i-of-00010 i = 0,...,9
- "models" directory
- "model" directory
- faster_rcnn_inception_logos-locally-on-ubuntu.config
- "train" directory
- "eval" directory,
- "model" directory
- Train the Faster R-CNN on our dataset by running the following Python script:
# From tensorflow/models/research directory
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim
python object_detection/model_main.py \
--model_dir=PATH_TO/LogosInTheWild-v2/models/model/ \
--pipeline_config_path=PATH_TO/LogosInTheWild-v2/models/model/faster_rcnn_inception_logos-locally-on-ubuntu.config \
--num_train_steps=50000 --alsologtostderr
- Monitor statistics with "tensorboard --logdir=PATH_TO/LogosInTheWild-v2/models/model/
# From tensorflow/models/research/ directory
CHECKPOINT_NUMBER= Number from "model.ckpt-${CHECKPOINT_NUMBER}.meta"
python object_detection/export_inference_graph.py \
--input_type=image_tensor \
--pipeline_config_path=PATH_TO/LogosInTheWild-v2/models/model/faster_rcnn_inception_logos-locally-on-ubuntu.config \
--trained_checkpoint_prefix=PATH_TO/LogosInTheWild-v2/models/model/model.ckpt-${CHECKPOINT_NUMBER} \
- Open Logo Capstone Project/adjusted_object_detection_tutorial.ipynb in a jupyter notebook, adjust the paths and execute the cells.