is a freely available package based on the R software for
Participatory Plant Breeding statisticial analyses. It performs analyses
on the data collected during PPB programs at four levels:
- network of seed management,
- agronomic trials,
- organoleptic tests and
- molecular analyses.
The objectives of PPBstats
- to have a single package capable of performing several analyses required for PPB programmes with comprehensive documentation, and
- to create a community working on PPB programmes in order to improve the package, exchange on how to process data from PPB programmes and develop good practices.
Descriptive analysis can be done regarding:
- unipart network for seed lots analysis
- unipart network for location analysis
- bipart network analysis
Below an example on unipart network for seed lots analysis:
# get data
# format data for the package
net_unipart_sl = format_data_PPBstats(
type = "data_network",
data = data_network_unipart_sl,
network_part = "unipart",
vertex_type = "seed_lots")
# Display outputs
plot(net_unipart_sl, plot_type = "network", organize_sl = TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [[1]]$network
Other examples can be found in the book.
Statistical analysis can be done
- To compare different germplasms on each location for selection:
- classic anova,
- spatial analysis,
- mixed models,
- bayesian hierarchical model intra-location.
- To study response of germplasm over several locations for selection:
- AMMI and GGE,
- bayesian hierarchical model G×E.
- To study specific research questions on one farm or more
- response to selection
- local adaptation with two models: home away and local foreign
- intra germplasm variance
- To run multivariate analysis
Below an example on GGE model:
# get data
# format data for the package
data_model_GxE = format_data_PPBstats(data_model_GxE, type = "data_agro")
Once the data are formated, the model is run
# run the GGE model
out_gge = model_GxE(data_model_GxE, variable = "y1", gxe_analysis = "GGE")
Then, check it, for example with residuals
# check if the model went well
out_check_gge = check_model(out_gge)
p_out_check_gge = plot(out_check_gge)
## $histogram
## $qqplot
## $points
Then, compare means
# get mean comparisons
out_mean_comparisons_gge = mean_comparisons(out_check_gge, p.adj = "bonferroni")
p_out_mean_comparisons_gge = plot(out_mean_comparisons_gge)
Then, look at biplot
# get biplot
out_biplot_gge = biplot_data(out_check_gge)
p_out_biplot_gge = plot(out_biplot_gge)
Sensory analysis can be done on
- hedonic analysis
- napping analysis
- rank analysis
Below an example on hedonic analysis
# get data
# format data for the package
data_hedonic = format_data_PPBstats(data_hedonic, type = "data_organo_hedonic", threshold = 2)
# descriptive analysis
p_note = plot(data_hedonic, plot_type = "boxplot", x_axis = "germplasm",
in_col = "location", vec_variables = "note"
descriptors = data_hedonic$descriptors
p_des = plot(data_hedonic, plot_type = "radar", in_col = "germplasm",
vec_variables = descriptors
A model can also be run.
Under development …
A full tutorial of PPBstats
is available in the book on the website.
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