A TCP server implementation in kotlin that uses both threads and coroutines for maximum performance.
It supports generic TCP handlers, but also HTTP with routing, authentication, etc...
HTTPS and HTTP2 are not implemented. It is meant to run behind a reverse proxy or load balancer that can take care of those two aspects
H2O for instance).
The maven artifacts are on Bintray and jcenter.
Download the latest jar.
Include those settings to be able to resolve jcenter artifacts.
Add jcenter to the list of maven repositories.
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'info.jdavid.asynk:server:'
You can create and start the server by calling the Server
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
HttpHandler.of(NoParams) { _, _, _, _ ->
HttpHandler.StringResponse("Server 1", MediaType.TEXT)
The JVM will not stop until the server is stopped.
Rather than calling the constructor directly, there are helper methods when using http handlers.
val hostAndPort = InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), 8081)
val maxRequestSize = 16384
HttpHandler.of(NoParams) { _, _, _, _ ->
HttpHandler.StringResponse("Server 2", MediaType.TEXT)
If you don't specify hostAndPort, then the server will bind to localhost:8080.
The maxRequestSize is the maximum size of the request body. It defaults to 4096 bytes.
implements Closable
and you can stop it by calling the close()
InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), 8082),
route(NoParams).to { _, _, _, _ ->
HttpHandler.StringResponse("Server 3", MediaType.TEXT)
).use {
Thread.sleep(15000) // The server will stop after the block returns.
This library uses SLF4J 1.7.25 for logging.
If you don't want any logs, you can add the slf4j-nop
If you do want logs, you can add a dependency on any lsf4j implementation
(slf4j-jdk14 for instance).
The server itself only logs errors. It's the responsibility of handlers to log requests if they want to.
The default implementations of HTTP handlers log both the remote address and uri of every incoming request.
Handlers are responsible for reading the incoming requests and sending back a response.
The server uses both threads and coroutines to maximize performance.
Handlers can define a Context
object. This object will be shared between all instances of the handler
running on the same thread, but only on the same thread. This context object enables the sharing of resources
without having to worry about thread safety.
A generic TCP Handler
has to implement 3 methods.
The first is the method that returns a new context object.
The second is a method that accepts the connection.
The third is the handle method itself, responsible for reading the request and sending back the response.
The server dispatcher keeps a pool of ByteBuffer
and supplies one for each call to the handle
Here's a simple implementation of an Echo server.
object: Handler<Unit> {
override suspend fun context(others: Collection<*>?) {}
override suspend fun connect(remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) = true
override suspend fun handle(socket: AsynchronousSocketChannel, buffer: ByteBuffer, context: Unit) {
while (socket.aRead(buffer) != -1) {
socket.aWrite(buffer.flip() as ByteBuffer)
InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), 7)
An HttpHandler
needs to implement 3 methods.
The first is the method that returns a new context object.
The second is a method that accepts the request based on its http method and uri.
The third is the handle method itself, responsible for returning a response object.
The handle method can get the request method and uri from the acceptance object returned by the second method.
The request headers, the request body (which can be empty) and the context are also available.
The constructor of HttpHandler
takes a Route
object that can restrict which request are processed by the
handler. The special NoParams
route accepts all requests.
object: HttpHandler<HttpHandler.Acceptance<NoParams>, NoParams,
AbstractHttpHandler.Context, NoParams>(NoParams) {
override suspend fun context(others: Collection<*>?) = Context(others)
override suspend fun acceptUri(method: Method, uri: String, params: NoParams): Acceptance<NoParams>? {
return when (method) {
Method.HEAD, Method.GET -> Acceptance(false, false, method, uri, NoParams)
else -> null
override suspend fun handle(acceptance: Acceptance<NoParams>, headers: Headers, body: ByteBuffer,
context: Context) = StringResponse(
"Method: ${acceptance.method}\r\nUri: ${acceptance.uri}",
For a less verbose way of creating the same handler, you can make use of the helper method HttpHandler.of
HttpHandler.of(NoParams) { acceptance, _, _, _ ->
"Method: ${acceptance.method}\r\nUri: ${acceptance.uri}",
The first syntax is useful when you need a custom Context
object, or Acceptance
Here's an example of such usage:
The context stores a list of api keys. If its been too long since it last updated the list, then
it goes and reads it from the database.
Note that all instances of KeysContext
that reside on the same thread are sharing the list of keys.
The Acceptance
class captures the api key from the uri, and the handle
method can use the context to
make sure the key is in the list of authorized keys.
val databaseName = "dbname"
val username = "api"
val password = "q6vQU?WXWu^gnDS#"
val getKeysFromDatabase = suspend {
MysqlAuthentication.Credentials.PasswordCredentials(username, password).connectTo(databaseName).use {
it.rows("SELECT key FROM keys").toList().map { it["key"] as String }
val keys = runBlocking { getKeysFromDatabase() }
class KeysContext(others: Collection<*>?): AbstractHttpHandler.Context(others) {
var keys: Set<String> = (others?.find { it is KeysContext } as? KeysContext)?.keys ?: keys
private set
private var lastUpdate: Long =
(others?.find { it is KeysContext } as? KeysContext)?.lastUpdate ?: System.currentTimeMillis()
suspend fun updateIfNecessary() {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (now - lastUpdate > 1000*60*60) {
this.keys = getKeysFromDatabase()
lastUpdate = now
class KeyAcceptance(method: Method, uri: String, val key: String):
HttpHandler.Acceptance<String>(true, false, method, uri, key)
abstract class KeysHttpHandler<PARAMS: Any>(route: Route<PARAMS>):
HttpHandler<KeyAcceptance, String, KeysContext, PARAMS>(route) {
override suspend fun context(others: Collection<*>?) = KeysContext(others)
override suspend fun acceptUri(method: Method, uri: String, params: PARAMS) =
Uri.query(uri)?.get("key")?.let { KeyAcceptance(method, uri, it) }
final override suspend fun handle(acceptance: KeyAcceptance, headers: Headers, body: ByteBuffer,
context: KeysContext): Response<*> {
return if (context.keys.contains(acceptance.key)) {
handle(acceptance.method, acceptance.uri, headers, body)
} else AuthHandler.UnauthorizedResponse()
abstract fun handle(method: Method, uri: String, headers: Headers, body: ByteBuffer): Response<*>
fun <PARAMS: Any> handler(
route: HttpHandler.Route<PARAMS>,
handler: (method: Method, uri: String, headers: Headers, body: ByteBuffer) -> HttpHandler.Response<*>
) = object: KeysHttpHandler<PARAMS>(route) {
override fun handle(method: Method, uri: String, headers: Headers, body: ByteBuffer) =
handler(method, uri, headers, body)
handler(FixedRoute("/test1", listOf(Method.GET))) { _, _, _, _ -> HttpHandler.EmptyResponse() },
handler(FixedRoute("/test2", listOf(Method.GET))) { _, _, _, _ -> HttpHandler.EmptyResponse() }
For uris within protected spaces requiring authentication, the following flow is used:
- The client requests the uri.
- The server responds with a 401 status code and with a WWW-Authenticate header describing what kind of credentials are allowed.
- The client requests the uri again, but this time it also sends the credentials in the Authorization header.
- The server validates the credentials and either completes the requests if they are correct, and sends another 401 response.
An AuthHandler
is given a delegate handler in its constructor. That delegate is responsible for handling
requests when the credentials are valid.
implementations also need to implement 3 methods.
The first is the method that checks the value of the Authorization header field and returns an error
or null if the credentials are valid.
The second is the method that returns the WWW-Authenticate header value based on the error.
The third is the method that returns the context. It usually only returns a context that wraps the context of
the delegate.
Here's an example that uses a simple (and very unsafe) key string. It sends Test realm="Test"
for the
WWW-Authenticate header field value, and only accepts Test k67t8MNak_Krq7_D
for the
Authorization header field value.
fun <ACCEPTANCE: HttpHandler.Acceptance<ACCEPTANCE_PARAMS>,
CONTEXT: AbstractHttpHandler.Context,
ROUTE_PARAMS: Any> authHandler(
AuthHandler.Context<CONTEXT>,ROUTE_PARAMS,CustomAuthValidationError>(delegate) {
val key = "k67t8MNak_Krq7_D"
override suspend fun validateCredentials(acceptance: ACCEPTANCE, headers: Headers,
context: Context<CONTEXT>): CustomAuthValidationError? {
val auth = headers.value(Headers.AUTHORIZATION) ?: return CustomAuthValidationError
return if (auth == "Test $key") null else CustomAuthValidationError
override fun wwwAuthenticate(acceptance: ACCEPTANCE, headers: Headers,
error: CustomAuthValidationError) = "Test realm=\"Test\""
override suspend fun context(others: Collection<*>?) = Context(others, delegate.context(others))
HttpHandler.of(NoParams) { _, _, _, _ -> HttpHandler.EmptyResponse() }
The most common type of HTTP authentication is the Basic Authentication scheme. However it sends the password
in clear-text which makes it very insecure for unencrypted traffic. The Digest Authentication scheme is also
a password-base authentication, but it doesn't send the password in clear-text.
There are ready to use implementation for both of those authentication schemes.
Basic Authentication:
val credentials = mapOf(
"user1" to "password1",
"user2" to "password2",
"user3" to "password3"
"Test Realm",
HttpHandler.of(NoParams) { _, _, _, _ -> HttpHandler.EmptyResponse() }
) { user -> credentials[user] }
Digest Authentication:
val credentials = mapOf(
"user1" to "password1",
"user2" to "password2",
"user3" to "password3"
"Test Realm",
HttpHandler.of(NoParams) { _, _, _, _ -> HttpHandler.EmptyResponse() }
) { user -> credentials[user] }
A FileHandler
is used to serve files under a directory root.
You can customize many things, including the directory index file names, the accepted media types and
their cache policies as well as the ETag generation used for client caching.
object: FileHandler(
FileRoute(File("/home/admin/challenges"), "/.well_known/acme-challenge")
) {
override fun etag(file: File) = null
override fun indexFilenames() = emptySequence<String>()
override fun mediaType(file: File) = MediaType.TEXT
override fun mediaTypes() = mapOf(MediaType.TEXT to MediaType.CacheControl(false, 0))
override suspend fun acceptUri(method: Method, uri: String, params: File) =
if (method == Method.GET) super.acceptUri(method, uri, params) else null
An HttpHandler
is attached to a Route
(it is passed to the constructor).
The Route
interface has only one method match
that given a request method and uri, returns whether the
request can be handled by the route or not. If it does, then it returns a parameter object. If it doesn't,
it simply returns null.
There are different implementations of Route
with different parameter types.
If you want to create a custom but don't need to return any parameter, you should return NoParam
is a route that accepts all requests and returns itself as a parameter.
is a route that only accepts uris matching a given path.
is a like a FixedRoute, but instead of only having fixed path segments, variables can
be used and the values will be captured in a map that will be returned as the route parameter.
matches all the paths representing existing files under the specified root directory.
Here are a few examples.
handler(FileHandler(FileRoute(File("doc"), "/doc"))).
route(FixedRoute("/healthcheck")).to { _, _, _, _ ->
HttpHandler.StringResponse("Route 1", MediaType.TEXT)
route(ParameterizedRoute("/{p1}/{p2}")).to { acceptance, _, _, _ ->
val params = acceptance.routeParams
"Route 2 [p1: ${params["p1"]}, p2: ${params["p2"]}]",
route(NoParams).to { _, _, _, _ ->
HttpHandler.StringResponse("Route 3", MediaType.TEXT)
As the example shows, HttpHandler.Builder
can be used to combine different handlers on different routes
together into one single handler. The order is important because the first match will be used. For example,
in the example, if the last handler with the NoParams
had been defined first, then the other ones would
never be used since NoParams
matches every request.
There are also helper Server.http
methods that can be used to combine multiple http handlers together.
One of the main benefits of the Asynk Server implementation is that the handler is a suspendable function.
To take full advantage of this, IO operations should also be using suspendable functions.
Unfortunatly, JDBC is a blocking API and this
makes using suspendable calls to a database difficult.
That's why the Asynk family of libraries includes suspending implementations of some of the most used
- asynk_mysql can be used to work with both MySQL and MariaDB.
- asynk_postgres can be used to work with PostgreSQL.
Both of those use common interfaces defined in asynk_sql that make it easy to migrate from one database to another with minimum code change.
For NoSQL databases, they usually come with better a API that supports asynchronous calls that can be wrapped easily into suspendable functions. This is the case for MongoDB for instance.