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Custom use cases: Argument definitions

projectbtle edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 3 revisions

An argument definition is essentially a JSON file describing the structure of arguments to a specific API call. One API call can only have one associated argument definition file, and the name of the file must be the same as the name of the argument (as defined within the vendor-specific plugin code).

The structure of an argument definition file

As mentioned before, an argument definition file is simply a JSON file. The top-level keys are strings representing integer indices of arguments. That is, an API call that has two arguments would have a definition file with two top-level keys "0" and "1". Keys must be contiguous. If you're not interested in an intermediate argument, you would still need to have dummy keys (e.g., if an API call has three arguments and you only want the first and last arguments, you would still need all 3 keys: "0", "1", "2"). Of course, if you don't care about the last argument, you can always leave it out.

Keys and values

An argument definition file has certain keys, which each have a set of possible values.

Key Possible Values Usage
"in_out" "in", "out", "<>_out" Second-level only. Used to indicate whether an argument is an input or an output.
"ptr_val" "pointer", "value" Used to indicate whether an argument (or an element) is a value or a pointer to a value (or to another pointer)
"type" "dict", "hex", "bitfield", "int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16" The format of the data value.
"length_bits" <integer> Length of the value in bits.
"data" <dictionary structure> Describes the structure of an argument or element.


Since our example API call is named ExampleAPICall, the argument definition file must therefore be named ExampleAPICall.json, and must be placed in <root>/argxtract/resources/vendor/ExampleVendor/args/. Let's assume ExampleAPICall has 3 arguments: the first two are inputs and the last is an output. The API call is defined as follows:

ExampleAPICall(uint16 arg0, struct0 const *arg1, struct1 const *arg2);

The first argument, arg0, is an unsigned integer, while arg1 and arg2 are pointers to data structures.

The skeleton argument definition file will therefore look as below:

    "0": {
        "in_out": "in",
        "ptr_val": "value",
        "data": {
    "1": {
        "in_out": "in",
        "ptr_val": "pointer",
        "data": {
    "2": {
        "in_out": "out",
        "ptr_val": "pointer",
        "data": {

When this API call is reached during the trace, the values in registers R0 to R2 will correspond to these arguments.


The first argument, arg0, is an unsigned integer. That is, the register R0 will hold the value to be used for arg0 directly. The "data" key will therefore have the following value:

"data": {
  "arg0": {
      "ptr_val": "value",
      "length_bits": 16,
      "type": "uint16"

This will look as below in the JSON file.

    "0": {
        "in_out": "in",
        "ptr_val": "value",
        "data": {
            "arg0": {
                "ptr_val": "value",
                "length_bits": 16,
                "type": "uint16"
    "1": {
        "in_out": "in",
        "ptr_val": "pointer",
        "data": {
    "2": {
        "in_out": "out",
        "ptr_val": "pointer",
        "data": {


Let's say the struct0 data structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct
  uint8_t element0;
  uint8_t *element1;
  struct2 element2;
} struct0;

The first element is a value, the second is a pointer to an array of uint8 values and the third is defined by another structure.

The "data" key for arg1 would have an outline as follows:

"data": {
  "arg1": {
    "ptr_val": "value",
    "length_bits": TBD,
    "type": "dict",
    "data": {
      "element0": {
        "ptr_val": "value",
        "length_bits": 8,
        "type": "uint8"
      "element1": {
        "ptr_val": "pointer",
        "length_bits": 8,
        "type": "uint8"
      "element2": {
        "ptr_val": "value",
        "length_bits": TBD,
        "type": "dict",
        "data": {}

We would then need to examine the structure of struct2 as we did for struct0 and fill out the "data" key. The "length_bits" value will depend on the length of struct2. Let's say the total length of elements in struct2 comes to 64 bits. Then the "length_bits" for arg1 will be 8+8+64 = 80.


Sometimes an API call will store some values to an output structure, e.g., handles. Obviously, argXtract won't be able to get actual values for such elements. However, it can assign a random value to be used (with another API call) if needed.

Let's assume arg2 is an output argument that assigns two handles:

typedef struct
  uint16_t handle0;
  uint16_t handle1;
} struct1;

The "data" key for arg2 will then be defined as follows:

"data": {
  "arg2": {
    "ptr_val": "value",
    "length_bits": 32,
    "type": "dict",
    "data": {
      "handle0": {
        "ptr_val": "pointer",
        "length_bits": 16,
        "type": "hex",
        "store_type": "random",
        "output": true
      "handle1": {
        "ptr_val": "pointer",
        "length_bits": 16,
        "type": "hex",
        "store_type": "random",
        "output": true

The "store_type": "random" tells argXtract to assign random values to each element. "output": true tells it to store those values in its "memory map".