The proposed mechanism uses Forward Error Correction (FEC) encoded RTP packets (redundant packets) along side the media packets to probe for available network capacity. A straightforward interpretation is, the sending endpoint increases the transmission rate by keeping the media rate constant but increases the amount of FEC. If no losses and discards occur, the endpoint can then increase the media rate. If losses occur, the redundant FEC packets help in recovering the lost packets. Consequently, the endpoint can vary the FEC bit rate to conservatively (by a small amount) or aggressively (by a large amount) probe for available network capacity.
+- gstreamer-0.10.36
+- gst-plugins-base-0.10.36
+- gst-plugins-bad (missing from tar-ball)
+- gst-plugins-ugly-0.10.19
+- gst-ffmpeg-0.10.13
+- jrtplib-3.8.2
The ns-2 sub-directory contains the video traffic generator, currently a very simple model. A more complex model is currently under development ans is based on measurements (VP8 and H.264). The rtplib is a fork of ref missing, we added 4585 timing rules. Additionally all the FEC related code. The scripts folder contains all the code to drive the tests and computing the results
The gstreamer sub-directory contains the jrtplib fork modified for performing congestion control, the amusys code that manages the codec and application constraints/settings.
The YUV sequences are available at xiph-seq and HEVC-seq. The HEVC sequences were contributed by Stephan Wenger at IETF88, Vancouver.
- build process and scripts
- test scripts and post-processing details
If you have used the code in this repository for your research, please use the MMSys paper as the reference.
Nagy M., Singh V., Ott J., Eggert L., Congestion Control using FEC for Conversational Multimedia Communication, Proc. of ACM Multimedia Systems, Singapore, SG, Mar, 2014, ACM
The BibTeX code snippet is:
author = {Nagy, Marcin and Singh, Varun and Ott, J\"{o}rg and Eggert, Lars},
title = {Congestion Control Using FEC for Conversational Multimedia Communication},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference},
series = {MMSys '14},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4503-2705-3},
location = {Singapore, Singapore},
pages = {191--202},
numpages = {12},
doi = {10.1145/2557642.2557649},
acmid = {2557649},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {FEC, RMCAT, RTP, WebRTC, congestion control},