Make working with python virtualenv a breeze
If you switch to python from ruby and have worked with the ruby version manager ( then virtualenv might feel as half baked.
Adding autoenv to automaticly enable virtualenvs is a huge step to make virtualenvs better.
Pyinit is a simple bash script to glue git, autoenv and virtualenv together.
- It will install a .venv folder into you're project folder and add it to .gitignore.
- Initialize a new git project.
- Install the project requirements mentioned in the requirement*.txt files. and configure autoenv so that the virtualenv will be activated if you enter the project directory.
To create a python3 based virtualenv:
[jb@vuurflits64 git]$ mkdir new-python3-project
[jb@vuurflits64 git]$ cd new-python3-project
[jb@vuurflits64 new-python3-project]$ pyinit python3
creating virtualenv
Already using interpreter /usr/bin/python3
Using base prefix '/usr'
New python executable in /home/jb/git/new-python3-project/.env/new-python3-project/bin/python3
Also creating executable in /home/jb/git/new-python3-project/.venv/new-python3-project/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
enable autoenv
initializing git project
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jb/git/new-python3-project/.git/
[master (root-commit) c5a219f] initial commit
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .gitignore
use "cd ." to enable the new virtualenv
[jb@vuurflits64 new-python3-project]$ cd .
(new-python3-project) [jb@vuurflits64 new-python3-project]$
For convinience you can also add the python version in the requirements.txt file, simply start you're the file with either # pyinit: python2 or # pyinit: python3 (added in version 0.1.2)
This script requires git, virtualenv autoenv, autoenv needs to be enabled in you're .bashrc or .zshrc file before using pyinit.
See on how to install/enable autoenv