Create a comprehensive visual representation of the implemented sorting algorithms. Show how different sorting techniques perform given a set of data by creating a video that records the sorting process.
The following sorting algorithms are implemented in Python3:
- Insertion Sort
- Selection Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
Libraries/Tools used:
- Tkinter: Used for generating graph animation
- Final Cut Pro X: Used for video editing
- PyCharm: IDE used for code implementation
- Link to YouTube video:
- Data Set used in video (to generate sorting animation):
- Data Size: 100
- First Data Set: Random Generated Positive Integers (Data duplication is allowed)
- Second Data Set: Nearly sorted data set (3/4 of the input data set is already sorted)
- How Sorting Animation is captured:
- Utilize Tkinter library to draw rectangle Canvas to mimic bar graphs
- Frame is updating based on each algorithm.
- Static wait time after swapping elements in each algorithm: 1ms
- Analysis of different sorting techniques:
- The analyzing frame in the video is based on the interpretation of 16 data sets (including 2 real data sets) and the graphs generated as part of the Sorting Simulation (