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Security: pwgit-create/APPWISH_OLLAMA


Vulnerability Reporting

Thank you for your interest in the security of this project. If you have discovered a vulnerability or any potential security issues, we appreciate your responsible disclosure and assistance in improving the security of this project.

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report a vulnerability, you can follow either of the two methods listed below:

Method 1: GitHub Security Advisory

You can report the vulnerability privately through GitHub's Security Advisory feature. This allows for a confidential and secure channel to share sensitive information related to the vulnerability. To report a vulnerability using this method, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the "Security" tab of this GitHub repository.
  2. Click on the "Security Advisory" option.
  3. Choose "Report a vulnerability."
  4. Fill in the necessary details, including steps to reproduce, potential impact, and any related information.
  5. Provide your contact information if you wish to receive updates on the progress and resolution of the vulnerability.

Method 2: Email

If you believe the vulnerability contains sensitive information or requires a more private channel for reporting, you can email us directly at [email protected]. Please provide a detailed description of the vulnerability, along with any supporting evidence, so that we can reproduce and address the issue efficiently.

Responsible Disclosure

We kindly request that you practice responsible disclosure by allowing us sufficient time to investigate and address the reported vulnerability before disclosing it to the public or any third parties. We strive to address security issues promptly and will keep you updated on the progress and resolution of the reported vulnerability.


Please note that this project's vulnerability reporting applies only to the software and components directly maintained within this GitHub repository. We kindly request that you refrain from attempting to access, modify, or disrupt the accounts, systems, or data of other users or third parties.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain the security and integrity of this project. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!

There aren’t any published security advisories