v0.2.0 - 2021-11-12
Most importantly Pyrra now works based on labels, which allows Pyrra to be flexible in how you select things going forward.
Because of that Pyrra now supports grouping, similar to Prometheus' sum by(...)
It means that you can define one SLO for all your API but track it individually. 🎉
What's Changed
- Merge release-0.1 back into main by @metalmatze in #35
- examples: change namespace to allow easy application of examples by @paulfantom in #36
- Identify SLOs by their labelset rather than namespace/name by @metalmatze in #37
- Support grouping SLOs by labels by @metalmatze in #40
- Ignore empty namespace label by @metalmatze in #41
- Update path to detail page fallback index.html by @metalmatze in #42
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
docker pull ghcr.io/pyrra-dev/pyrra:v0.2.0