Allows app to receive the push notifications from Google cloud messaging server. There are two library project in this project. Project contains demo app to illustrate the uses of the libraries.
####InstantGCM Allows app to register on Google Cloud Messaging server and receive GCM registration Id with new implementation of InstantId API method over deprecated register() method of gcm instance. App developer can store this registration Id at middleware or their own server for further authentication with GCM
- Call
InstantGCMClient.initialise(Context context , GCMDataInterface dataInterface , final GCMRegListener gcmRegListener)
delivers project Id or # for requestGCMRegListener
provides result callback after attempting to achieve Registration Id to GCM server
. Message from GCM will received inonMessageReceived
callback. Don't forget to mention this service inApplication
tag of manifest file.<service android:name="com.yourpackagename.MyGcmListenerService" android:exported="false" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="" /> </intent-filter> </service>
####Connecting to Application Middleware Enable app to Register and Deregister on its middleware so that app can subscribe and unsubcribe anytime on app user request for receiving GCM message.
#####Uses It has two main methods
GCMMiddlewareClient.register(Context context , MiddlewareDataInterface middlewareDataInterface, InstantGCMRegistrationListener instantGCMRegistrationListener)
passes correspoding Base url , project Id or # and device unique Id such as IMEI #.InstantGCMRegistrationListener
provides result callback of this register method.- Before attepting to register at middleware, this method first establishes the connection between GCM server and gains GCM Registration Id. Only After successful connection we proceed with the middleware registration.
InstantGCMDeregistrationListener instantGCMRegistrationListener)``` - ```MiddlewareDataInterface``` passes correspoding Base url , project Id or # and device unique Id such as IMEI #. - ```InstantGCMDeregistrationListener``` provides result callback of this register method.
####Add dependency of libraries
Add following in your build.gradle :
For instantgcm (Available on jcenter):
compile 'com.instant.instantgcm:instantgcm:1.0.0'
compile project(':instantgcm')
For middlewarelib :
compile project(':middlewarelib')
Copyright 2016 Sneha Khadatare
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