A first pass at a reflex
API for working with local storage.
There is an Obelisk project in example
you can use to play around with this.
You should be able to do ob run
and then open a few tabs at http://localhost:8000 and watch them interact with each other.
The relevant bits of the code are:
body :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
body = do
text "Testing storage"
void . runStorageT LocalStorage $ do
-- sets the default value for Tag1, only if none is already present
initializeTag Tag1 0
counter :: (MonadWidget t m, HasStorage t ExampleTag m) => m ()
counter = el "div" $ do
-- ask for the current value in local storage under the Tag1 key, defaulting to 0
dTag1 <- askStorageTagDef Tag1 0
eAdd <- button "Add"
eClear <- button "Clear"
display dTag1
eChange = mergeWith (.) [
succ <$ eAdd
, const 0 <$ eClear
-- insert the new value for Tag1 into local storage
tellStorageInsert Tag1 $ (&) <$> current dTag1 <@> eChange
along with some instances around the ExampleTag
so that the keys can be marshalled to and from Text
and the values can be marshalled to and from JSON.