1 main:The main function includes reading the image, calculating the self-similarity descriptor of each picture, calculating the saliency score, and drawing the detection result;
2 com_Self_Similarities:Calculate the self-similarity descriptor;
2.1 cal_ssd:Calculate the SSD between patch and region;
2.2 get_self_sim_vec:Convert the similarity calculated in 2.1 to a self-similarity descriptor vector;
2.3 cart2polar: Convert Cartesian coordinates to a polar coordinate system;
2.4 get_bin:Divide the polar coordinate system into 15*3=45 bins;
3 draw_result:Show results.
Shechtman E, Irani M. Matching local self-similarities across images and videos[C]//2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE, 2007: 1-8.