Personal toolbox for lidc-idri dataset / lung cancer / nodule
This project is a personal toolbox, but it can really help to get information from LIDC-IDRI.
I am willing to make it better with your help.
Code in codeForLIDC is used for LIDC-IDRI researches. For the label information, you can refer to Shen S , Han S X , Aberle D R , et al. An Interpretable Deep Hierarchical Semantic Convolutional Neural Network for Lung Nodule Malignancy Classification[J]. 2018..
It gives out the id_scan.txt, which can help to to load CT files according to patient Id.
It gets nodule's id and it's nine features from the xml files and gives out nodule_chara_list.csv.
It gives out the malignancy.csv, which combine the nodule_chara_list.csv and the list3.2.csv. With malignancy.csv, you can get all information about labeled nodules.
It can get nodules' images and labels with malignancy.csv and id_scan.txt. By running this code, you can have nodule images and their masks (single mask).
If you only want to get the data, you can run the code:
noduleinfo = csvTools.readCSV('files/malignancy.csv')
idscaninfo = csvTools.readCSV('files/id_scan.txt')
Then use pydicom to process the DICOM files. I save the relationships between case id and dicom path in the 'malignancy.csv', and 'id_scan.txt', which can be found in 'LIDC-IDRI-Toolbox-python/codeForLIDC/files/'.
Get nodules with multiple segmentation annotations. The method has been used in Wang, Qiuli, et al. "Uncertainty-Aware Lung Nodule Segmentation with Multiple Annotations." arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.12372 (2021). You can get the processed data here:, Code: 4f38
It can extract label edges from xml files.
By running python in CodeForMulitpleAnnotations, you can have nodule images and their multiple annotations' intersection, union, and difference.
If you find it helpful to your research, please cite as follows:
title={Uncertainty-Guided Lung Nodule Segmentation with Feature-Aware Attention},
author={Yang, Han and Shen, Lu and Zhang, Mengke and Wang, Qiuli},
booktitle={Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention--MICCAI 2022: 25th International Conference, Singapore, September 18--22, 2022, Proceedings, Part V},
title={Class-aware multi-window adversarial lung nodule synthesis conditioned on semantic features},
author={Wang, Qiuli and Zhang, Xingpeng and Chen, Wei and Wang, Kun and Zhang, Xiaohong},
booktitle={Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention--MICCAI 2020: 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 4--8, 2020, Proceedings, Part VI 23},
Feel free to contact me ([email protected]) if you have any problems.