Assessment used for evaluating technical skills on Android development.
There is one approach for two different companies and assessments:
- Company A: Marvel data origin.
- Reviewers have to setup API ID on file on project root with:
- MARVEL_PRIVATE_KEY=9e23b996a3b2a9b159629ceb7f0858f77224a39a
- MARVEL_PUBLIC_KEY=ce0785c979db62c475ea099619dc4eba
- Reviewers have to setup API ID on file on project root with:
- Company B: Randomuser data origin.
Each data source is implemented on a diferent flavour, but they are sharing the most of the functionality. This approach can be seen as the same app but different country backends 🦖 and with a bit different data sources.
Bugs, issues, bad practices, wrong implementations and all spaghetti code you find: open an issue please!
The assessment will be alive and well be improved for learning purposes.
Kotlin, MVVM, View Model, Hilt, Flows, Clean Code
Room, Retrofit, Okhttp, Moshi, Coil
Unit Testing, JUnit, Mockk, Turbine, Coroutines