Audio restoration has become an integral part of digit age and it's tasks range from restoring old recordings to reducing noise in modern audio tracks. An important task of audio restoration algorithms is to remove random clicks in an audio signal which can be done using several methods, namely, AR Method, Cubic Interpolation and Median Filtering. The current project demonstrates two kinds of "click" removal mechanisms:
- Median Filtering
- Cubic Interpolation
The current project uses an original audio track which is then degraded by adding high amplitudes at random points. The file
is an original audio track which does not have any degradations or "clicks". Henceforth, the term "clicks" will be used to denote degradations in the tracks.
The file new_degraded.wav
is the degraded track in which distinct clicks can be heard at random points. cubic_clean.wav
is the audio track that was restored using cubic interpolation. clean_median.wav
is the audio track that was restored using median filtering.
The project is divided into 3 main files:
To run any of the files, please check whether your machine has the following dependencies:
- wave
- tqdm
- matplotlib
- pandas
- scipy
- playsound
- pymatreader
- alive_progress
- sys
- subprocess
The following dependencies can be installed on a local machine using the following command - pip install <dependency_name>
A list of dependencies is available in the file requirements.txt
The project can be cloned to a local machine via a terminal window using the command:
git clone
Let us detail the algorithm for median filtering:
- Read input track -
- Read .mat file (Matlab)
that contains a list of points where clicks exist. For convenience, we shall denote them as "indicators". - Convert the .mat file to an array. As a Matlab file is read as a "Dictionary" type, we must convert it into an "Array"
- Get the indices of those points where the .mat file has clicks, i.e. the indicator gets a value of 1
- Set a window length for the median filtering
- Define a certain constant length, i.e. delta, which is an offset of window length. This value will help us apply the median filtering only around the specified window
- Apply the median filter, i.e Sorting the points which lie within the window range and calculating the median value.
- Substitue those values which have been filtered back into the track
- Write the track to a new file -
Let us detail the algorithm for cubic interpolation:
- Read input track -
- Read .mat file (Matlab)
that contains a list of points where clicks exist. For convenience, we shall denote them as "indicators". - Convert the .mat file to an array. As a Matlab file is read as a "Dictionary" type, we must convert it into an "Array"
- Get the indices of those points where the .mat file has clicks, i.e. the indicator gets a value of 1
- Get the track length and convert the track length into a range, starting from [0,len(track)]
- From the degraded track, first remove the indices where a click has been detected, then remove the data points corresponding to these indices.
- Apply the out-of-the-box function
which will interpolate those points. - Substitue those values which have been filtered back into the track
- Write the track to a new file -
The following command must be typed in to run the median filtering algorithm on a local machine:
python3 --run
python3 -r
The following command must be typed in to run the cubic interpolation algorithm on a local machine:
python3 --run
python3 -r
The command extensions for the project are as follows:
python3 --run
python3 --mse
python3 --plot
python3 --diff
python3 --theme
python3 --sound
python3 --unit
python3 --help
A list of features can be found by typing:
python3 --help
The user may also type the initial letter of each command extension, i.e -h
, -m
, -p
, -d
, -t
, -s
, -u
and -h
The command extension --run
runs the project, creating a restored audio file and displaying the execution time.
For the cubic interpolation algorithm, replace Median_Flter_Restoration
with Cubic_Interpolation_Algorithm
. The two programs share command extensions.
These are the plots The plots can be printed using the following command
python3 --plot
These are the plots The plots can be printed using the following command
python3 Cubic_Audio_Restoration --plot
To run unit tests for the medianFilter()
function, type in the command
python3 --unit
This generates 5 tests on different tests sets with a minimum list length of 10 and a maximum of 20052.
The user may also run 2 separate unit tests by executing the file
using the following command
After every unit test, an OK is printed if the test is passed, otherwise NOT OK is printed, along with the number of passed and failed tests.
The unit test feature is only available for median filtering.
The separate file
uses Python's unittest module and runs only 2 tests.
The Mean Sqaured Error, or the MSE, was calculated for the restored track and the original track to quantify the improvement on the audiotrack. The following command can be used to print the MSE:
python3 --mse
To get the MSE of the cubic interpolated audiotrack, the following command must be used:
python3 Cubic_Audio_Restoration --mse
The MSE for the median filtered track is 0.27 and the MSE for the Cubic Interpolated track is 0.30. The difference between the MSEs of the 2 tracks can be printed using the following command:
python3 --diff
The comparison of the MSEs can be visualized on the following graph:
The comparison of the MSEs with respect to a change in window length can be visualized on the following graph:
The execution time for a track restored using a median filter is 7.6637 seconds. The execution time for a track restored using a cubic interpolation is 17.7269 seconds The execution time for a track restored using an AR Model is 62.729 seconds
The comparison of the execution time for a median filter can be visualized on the following graph:
The comparison of the execution time for a median filter with respect to a change in window length can be visualized on the following graph:
An interesting addition to the project is the option of changing the theme of the loader which can be done using the extension --theme
or -t
Written by Uditangshu. Project for the 5C22 Computational Methods Module. Trinity College Dublin. 2022.