An angular schema form - plugin to display a download button.
The easiest way is to install is with bower, this will also include dependencies:
bower install angular-schema-form-download
The download add-on adds a new form type, download
Form Type | Becomes |
download | download button |
Schema | Default Form type |
"type": "string" and "format": "download" | download |
Below is an example. It's written in javascript instead of pure schema and form so the use of the download object is supported.
scope.schema = {
"type": "object",
"title": "Application Form",
"description": "This is the description of the Application form."
"properties": {
"title": "Download Application Form",
"type": "string",
"format": "download",
"cssClass": "btn-primary",
"url": "",
"description": "This is an application form that can be downloaded for your reference."
The schema should be able to render the form on its own, but if you want to modify or add a button using the form, then the structure is below.
scope.form = [
key: "DOCUMENT",
type: "download",
title: "This is a download button.",
cssClass: "btn-warning",
description: "Sample description"
Released under the MIT License.