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Add new exercise

Mika Tompuri edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 11 revisions

This page explains how you add new exercises.



  • Exercise: Top level element. One exercise can have multiple slides and tasks.
  • Slide: Each student only completes tasks on one slide. If an exercise has multiple slides, each student randomly sees one one of the slides and completes the tasks related to it. For example:
    • an exercise has slides 1 and 2.
    • Student A completes tasks on slide 2.
    • Student B completes tasks on slide 1.
    • Student C completes tasks on slide 1.
  • Task: Task contains the actual question / assignment that students answer. Tasks take different forms, for example: multiple choice, essay, scale.

Adding a new exercise

1. Add a new exercise block

How to add blocks: SeeEdit lesson pages

2. Configure exercise


  • Exercise name: Give your exercise a descriptive name. For example, Definitions of sustainable development
  • Max points: Total number of points. If your exercise has two tasks and you set max points to 2, each task is worth 1 point. It is recommended that you award even number of points and avoid half points or fractions.
  • Limit number of tries and Max tries per slide: Set a limit to how many times a student can attempt a slide. If you do not set a limit, students can attempt the tasks as many times as they like.

3. Add slide

Use the Add slide button to add a new slide.

4. Add task

Use the Add task button to add a new task.

5. Edit task

  • Click the edit task button (shaped like a pencil) 2023-02-22_edit_task

  • Write the assignment instructions that are displayed to students. These are general instructions for all questions.
  • Select 'Quizzes' to show different exercise types. 2023-02-22_assignment_select_type


  • Remember to save the changes you have made after you have successfully set up the exercise!

Exercise FAQ

How can I move an exercise from one page to another

  1. Edit the page where the exercise you want to move is located.
  2. Click next to the big title Exercise to highlight the block
  3. In the block ribbon, click the three dots symbol.


  1. Edit the page where you want to have the exercise on.
  2. Add a new paragraph block to part of the page where you want to have the exercise.
  3. Paste the block (Windows: Ctrl+V).
  4. Save changes.