Art catalog in Python, using Flask and Neo4J.
This is a personal project, mainly focused on learning technologies, aiming to build an API for a catalog of arts and artists, on the Flask Framework, with persistence in a Neo4J graph database. The application structure seeks an approach that adheres to the concepts of Domain Driven Design, with a hexagonal architecture.
Work In Progress - It documents a learning process
Before starting, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Run the application in development mode using the embedded server
$ make init
# If necessary, edit the .env file (based on the .env.example file)
$ nano app/.env
The Flask server will start on port:5000 in development mode. Any source code changes will automatically reflect in the running application.
- API Docs (Swagger):
- App:
- Neo4jBrowser: http://localhost:7474/browser/
Optionally, it is possible to run the application using Gunicorn. Just force the use of docker-compose.yml file without overrides
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
The Gunicorn server will start at port:8080. In this way, the application will not automatically reload after source code changes. Acess:
To run the initial seed of the database, use the following command:
$ make db-seed
To run the tests, from your terminal (on your local machine), run the following command:
$ make test
Other useful commands during development can be consulted using:
$ make help