QuantifiedBvecToBdd is a prototype implementation of SMT solver for the quantified bit-vector logic which uses BDDs. In a nutshell, it simplifies input formula, converts it to the equivalent BDD, and answers sat
if there is satisfying path in the BDD.
The tool is still mostly test of a concept.
- Z3 API is used for parsing and to perform some of simplifications
- BuDDy BDD library
To process file file.smt2
in smt-lib format, run
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2
If the input formula contains non-linear multiplication, you might want to try underapproximation or overapproximation, since otherwise the conversion to BDD is unlikely to terminate in a reasonable time. During underapproximation, effective bit-width of all existentially quantified variables is reduced to a given number. Similarly, during overapproximation, effective bit-width of all universally quantified variables is reduced to a given number.
For example, to use just two least-significant bits from each existentially quantified variable, use the following command (remaining bits are sign-extension).
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u 2
To use just two most-significant bits from each existentially quantified variable, use the following command (remaining bits are zeroes).
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u -2
To use just two least-significant bits from each universally quantified variable, use the following command (remaining bits are zeroes).
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o 2
To use just two most-significant bits from each universally quantified variable, use the following command (remaining bits are zeroes).
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o -2
To try underapproximations and overapproximations using several values, you can use command
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 --try-approximations
which basically performs
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o 1
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o -1
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u 1
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u -1
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o 2
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o -2
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u 2
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u -2
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o 4
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o -4
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u 4
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u -4
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o 16
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -o -16
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u 16
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2 -u -16
./QuantifiedBvecToBdd file.smt2