A wedding site with news articles, events calendar with rsvp, paypal integrated donation meter, wedding party members, wedding stories, and static pages.
Clone the git repository.
git clone git://github.com/randomutterings/wedding.git cd wedding
Initialize and update the submodules.
git submodule init git submodule update
Install RedCloth if your server doesn’t have at least 4.2.3.
gem install RedCloth
Install Chronic if your server doesn’t have at least 0.2.3.
gem install chronic
Install Haml if your server doesn’t have at least 2.0.7
gem install haml
If you want to use the included rake task to backup your database to S3, install the aws-s3 library
gem install aws-s3
and edit config/s3_backup_config.yml with your s3 information
Move the config sample file.
mv config/config.sample.yml config/config.yml
Edit config/config.yml with your information.
You’ll need to create a hosted Paypal button at www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_button-designer. Under step 3, be sure to put the following under “Use Advanced Variables” notify_url=www.your-domain-name.com/gift_registry. Also put www.your-domain-name.com/gift_registry under take customers to this url when they finish and take customers to this url when they cancel. If you want to edit your button later, go to www.paypal.com under My Account, Profile, More options, then click on My Saved Buttons under Selling Preferences.
Move the database sample file.
mv config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml
Edit it for your environment and migrate the database.
rake db:create rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
Once you have the site setup, go to your-domain.com/login and enter the password from your config/config.yml. Also, you’ll want to edit public/images/names.png with a graphics editor and change the names.
To backup your database to Amazon S3, run the following from project root or set it up as a cron job to run automatically.
rake db:backup RAILS_ENV=production
Optionally put this in a crontab to run the backup automatically.
# Full backup every dat at 11:01 1 23 * * * cd /path/to/your/project && /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/rake db:backup RAILS_ENV=production
To restore the production database run
rake db:restore RAILS_ENV=production
To backup everything in the public folder to Amazon S3, run the following from project root or set it up as a cron job to run automatically. Each backup is compressed into a single archive and compressed before uploading.
rake assets:backup
Optionally put this in a crontab to run the backup automatically.
# Full backup every Wednesday at 11:30 30 23 * * 3 cd /path/to/your/project && /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/rake assets:backup
To restore the public directory run
rake assets:restore
I get a missing database error.
Make sure your database.yml is configured for your environment and run
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production.
I get “cannot create ./tmp/production_dump-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.sql.gz: Directory nonexistent” when running the database backup to S3
You need to create a tmp directory in the root.
mkdir tmp
Another problem?
Make sure you’re using Rails 2.3.5.
If you are having a problem with the site, first look at the FAQs above. If you still cannot resolve it, please submit an issue here.
This site does not yet officially work with Rails 3.