Stay organized and productive with Bean, the easy-to-use task management app.
Bean helps you:
- Create and manage tasks: Easily add, edit, and delete tasks to keep track of your to-do list.
- Set deadlines: Assign due dates to your tasks to stay on top of your schedule.
- Categorize tasks: Organize your tasks into different categories for better management.
- Mark tasks as complete: Keep track of your progress and celebrate your achievements.
With Bean, you can streamline your workflow, increase your productivity, and achieve your goals more effectively.
Command: todo [description]
todo run 10km
This will create a new task with description "run 10km".
Added task: 'run 10km'!
Command: deadline [description] /by [by]
deadline submit cs2113 final version /by Fri, Oct 11th 2359
This will create a new task with the description "submit cs2113 final version" and a deadline of "Fri, Oct 11th 2359".
Added task: 'submit cs2113 final version'!
Command: event [description] /from [from] /to [to]
event team meeting /from 10:00 AM /to 11:00 AM
This will create a new event with the description "team meeting" scheduled from "10:00 AM" to "11:00 AM".
Added task: 'team meeting'!
Command: list
The list of all tasks, including their status, description, by, from and to. (if applicable).
Command: find [keyword]
find homework
A list of tasks whose descriptions contain the keyword "homework".
The keyword input is case-sensitive. find homework
will return tasks whose description contains 'homework', but not 'Homework'.
Command: delete [task number]
delete 3
Deleted task: [E][ ] dinner (from: 7pm to 9pm).
Ensure that task number is valid to avoid errors.
Use command list
to check for valid task number range.
Command: mark [task number]
mark 3
Task 3 has been marked as DONE:
[D][X] hw (by: 2359)
Command: unmark [task number]
unmark 3
Task 3 has been marked as UNDONE:
[D][ ] hw (by: 2359)
Command: bye
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Bye bye, glad I could help! See you soon? :'(