Aplikasi kebun binatang
- prevent user from clicking back in-game and show dialog
- complete animal collection data and it's view, data should load from json file
- Random question
- Medium level
- Hard level
- Gradient timebar
- Custom Marker terlalu besar
- Groundoverlay kelihatan kabur karena di kompress hard
- Custom Appbar Animation hard
- Ukuran tombol yang ada di drawer terlalu kecil dan memiliki shadow
- Sound yang ada di app hanya bisa di jalankan sekali medium
- Belum semua kata tertranslate
- Belum semua koleksi hewan di tampilkan
- Intro app masih ada di appbar halaman utama
- Warna tombol di foto box tidak sesuai
- Quiz belum bisa di mainkan
- test map on cordova browser
- animal badge collection:
- increase size of card
- when tap to desire card, a animal sound will appear
- animal Collection:
- make the categories working when it's tapped
- when card tapped it will go to the details page
- home page:
- remove unnesscary button in navbar
- make funfact color background to white
- changes funfact font to loundry what ever font
- change share color as it
- increase font size of animal card
- change swipe left or right icon
- change collect all animal bages collection font
- change color of and listen to their sound!
- change font start here and make it bigger
- change icon to image of the start here button
- when tap to slider go to details page //done//
- when ragunan animal card tapp it will go to animal collection with back button
- when zoo park tap it will go to visitor information
- when tap to ragunan map it will go to zoo map
- when tap to photobooth it will go to photobooth
- when tap to about in fun fact it will go to details
- when tap to share it will share the fun fact to facebook or twittter
- when tap to start now in badges collection it will go to badge collection
- when tap to volume button the sound of animal will appear
- change fun fact so that it will so show a different slide
include all animal in the logic file
undo the exiting splash, with the one we watched yestereday
- scrollable tabbar
- centered first and last tab animation (Hard)
- ticket
- enterence fee
- buy ticket at the zoo
- other fees
- showing google maps with groundoverlay and ticket position with marker
- how to get here:
- address
- get direction
- by car
- by bus
- showing google maps with marker of the address
- activities:
- show reminder button toggle with view all activites
- 09:00
- 12:00
- 13:00
- 15:00
- make toggle button works
- remindme button (added to show reminder)
- added to reminder button is not disabled when we successful added to reminder
- implement all the remind me button to all button
- make sure the content looks exactly like in the example
- reminder red box rounded should be updated based on how much remind me button clicked
- view map (go to zoo map)
- contact us:
- send your love letter...
- or write to use here...
- form and submit button
- fix ragunan maps coords
- groundoverlay zoo map
- animal location
- orange dot location
- food location
- parking location
- restroom location
- exit location
- working buttons to changes the marker zoomap
- detect wheater he in zoomap or not
- share where you are with your friend here
- dropdown language
- about ragunan zoo
- terms and agreement
- change language when user tapp the one of those language and redirect it to home page with new language of they wanted
- image
- camera button
- gallery button