This is one off of exploit database written in c# for windows environments
(Update Required at first use to download necessary packages) searchsploit -u or searchploit --update
.Net 4.5.2
searchsploit -h
Usage: searchsploit [OPTIONS] term1 [term2] ... [termN]
searchsploit afd windows local
searchsploit -t oracle windows
searchsploit --nmap NmapScan.xml
-c, --case Perform a case-sensitive search (Default is insensitive).
-h, --help Show this help screen.
-t, --title Search just the exploit title (Default is title AND the file's path).
-u, --update Update exploit database from git.
-v, --verbose Verbose output. Title lines are allowed to overflow their columns.
-w, --www Show URLs to rather than local path.
--colour Disable colour highlighting.
--id Display EDB-ID value rather than local path.
--nmap Reads nmap's exported xml file to return vulnerabilities per host.
* Use any number of search terms, in any order.
* Search terms are not case sensitive, and order is irrelevant.
* Use '-c' if you wish to reduce results by case-sensitive searching.
* Use '-t' to exclude the file's path to filter the search results.
* Could possibly remove false positives (especially when searching numbers).
* When updating from git or displaying help, search terms will be ignored.