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Berkeley RDI Website

Editing the website

Note that it takes up to a few minutes for the update to be reflected on the deployed webpages. Please disable the caching of the browser to see the latest version in the first time.

Also please do not delete the CNAME in the root directory, which would cause an error for GitHub page custom domain name.

Editing the landing page

  1. Update the content: Change this markdown file.

How to add/update faculty information

  1. Upload their photo: Go to this folder, click "Add file" button, select "Upload files" option, and add the photo file (preferably in the shape of square in jpg format).

  2. Update the entry: Go to this file, click the small pencil button (that has a hint text "Edit this file", or use this link). You can see how sections are arranged in the file.

    • If you want to create a new entry, just use the same template as below (please be careful with the indentation). Note that for the field of image_file you need to enter exactly the same name that you just uploaded to /assets/images/people folder.
        - name: Dawn Song
            image_file: dawn.jpg
            subtitle: "Security & Privacy, Blockchain, ML" 

How to add/update events

  1. Upload the banner: Go to the /assets/images/events folder and add the banner file. The file should be in the format M-d.png (ex. 4-7.png for the April 7 event).

  2. Update the data entry: Go to /_data/events/events.yml and add a new entry at the top of the file. Below is the format of the entry as well as an example:


    - link: /events/M-d
      row-title: "TITLE"
      date: "yyyy-MM-dd"
      formatted-date: "MMMMM d"
      start: "h:mm am"
      end: "h:mm pm"
      title: "M/d/yy - TITLE"
      img: /assets/images/events/M-d.png
      location: "" # OPTIONAL
      zoom: "" # OPTIONAL
      description: |
        Description paragraph here. Place <br /><br /> in between paragraphs for separation.
        - name: ""
          description: |
            Description of the speaker here. Place <br /><br /> in between paragraphs for separation.

    Example (Some text truncated for clarity)

    - link: /events/3-31
      row-title: "A conversation on Central Bank Digital Currency: Why, Why not, Alternatives"
      date: "2022-03-31"
      formatted-date: "March 31"
      start: "10:00 am"
      end: "12:00 pm"
      title: "3/31/22 - A conversation on Central Bank Digital Currency: Why, Why not, Alternatives"
      img: /assets/images/events/3-31.png
      location: Webinar
      description: |
        You're invited! UC Berkeley's new Center for Responsible, Decentralized Intelligence (RDI) is 
        excited to announce the first panel of its Frontier Forum speaker series... 
        <br /><br />
        Featuring a panel of thought leaders from the Federal Reserve and academia, this event will 
        provide insights into the implications of a centralized digital currency.
        - name: Robert C. Hockett
          description: |
            Robert Hockett joined the Cornell Law Faculty in 2004. His ...
        - name: Neha Narula
          description: |
            Neha Narula is the Director of the Digital Currency Initiative at the MIT Media Lab ...
        - name: Ehud Shapiro
          description: |
            Ehud Shapiro is an interdisciplinary scientist, entrepreneur, artist, and political activist ...
        - name: Michael Warner
          description: |
            Mike Warner is a technology strategist who works in the Federal Reserve (FRS) of San Francisco ...
  3. Add the page: Go to the /events folder, and create a new file with the format M-d.markdown (ex. 4-7.markdown). Paste the following code into the file.

    The line marked <!-- EDIT THIS LINE --> must be changed within the file. Edit the date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd to the correct date of the event.

    layout: default
    ## Events
    <!-- EDIT THIS LINE -->
    <!-- Change the "yyyy-MM-dd" to the appropriate date -->
    {% assign events = | where:'date', "yyyy-MM-dd" %}
        {% for row in events %}
            <h2 style="font-weight: 700;">Berkeley RDI Frontier Forum</h2>
            <h2 style="font-weight: 700;">{{ row.title }}</h2>
            <h3 style="font-weight: 700;">{{ row.formatted-date }} {{ row.start }} - {{ row.end }} PST</h3>
            {% if row.location %}
                <h3 style="font-weight: 700;">{{ row.location }}</h3>
            {% endif %}
            {% if row.zoom %}
                <h3 class="event-tag">All are welcome to join via the webinar - Register Here:</h3>
                <div class="event-button-wrapper"><button class="event-button"><a class="event-link" href="{{ row.zoom }}" target="_blank">Webinar Registration</a></button></div>
            {% endif %}
            <img src="{{ row.img }}" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem;">
            <h2>The Event</h2>
            {{ row.description }}
            {% for speaker in row.speakers %}
                <h3 style="">{{ }}</h3>
                <p style="">{{ speaker.description }}</p>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}

Other changes

Please contact xiaoyuanliu <AT> berkeley <DOT> edu for further support.