The idea of this repository is to create a bash script that will unit test all requirements from gatech CS6250 project 5.
A public github repository was created so every student can fork it, add his own tests and create a pull request. We have a class with more than 200 students, if half of us create one single extra test, in end we will have 100+ tests! All students will benefit from this by having a better grade in the end!
##How to setup:
Edit to set socket timeout to 2 seconds. Otherwise this script can take forever to execute. At line 21 add:
Download to your ~/OMS6250-2015-Fall/assignment-5 directory:
Add execution permission to it:
chmod +x ./
##How to run:
Make sure your firewall rules are running on its own terminal.
./ my_config.cfg
In the mininet terminal. ping all hosts to avoid false positive tests:
mininet> pingall
In the mininet terminal. Execute the test script using sh:
mininet> sh ./
In a third terminal. Check the file named result with test results
cat result
ortail -f result
Q. I got this error message ./ 5: ./ Syntax error: newline unexpected
A. Download the file again. It was probrably downloaded using Windows that converted all end of lines from \n to \r\n