i2extras adds additional functionality to the incidence2 package.
The main features of the package include:
: fit a trend (poisson / negative binomial) to anincidence2
object and calculate the associated growth rate. -
: add a rolling average to anincidence2
object. -
: generates a bootstrappedincidence2
object by re-sampling, with replacement, the original dates of events. -
: locates the peak time of the epicurve. -
: uses bootstrap to estimate the peak time (and related confidence interval) of a partially observed outbreak.
You can install the released version of {i2extras} from CRAN with:
The development version of {i2extras} can be installed from GitHub with:
remotes::install_github("reconverse/i2extras", build_vignettes = TRUE)
An overview of i2extras is provided in the included vignettes:
vignette("peak_estimation", package = "i2extras")
vignette("fitting_epicurves", package = "i2extras")
Bug reports and feature requests should be posted on github using the issue system. All other questions should be posted on the RECON slack channel see https://www.repidemicsconsortium.org/forum/ for details on how to join.