This is a work in progress not ready to be used or seen. This work is sponsored by Onebip, EasyWelfare
It's a Job Queue Manager built with PHP meant to be used in PHP projects. Features and characteristics:
- Jobs are made persistent on MongoDB
- Jobs are retriable with complex and customizable strategies
- Multiple queues are supported through tagging
- Jobs are stored by default in an history collection for after the fact inspection and analytics
- Built to be robust, scalable and fault tolerant
Onebip is a payment system (think PayPal with mobile devices in place of credit cards), things like: payment notifications, subscription renewals, remainder messages, … are really important. You cannot skip or lose a job (notification are idempotent but payments are not). You cannot forgot to have completed a job (customer/merchant support must have data to do their job). You need to know if and when you can retry a failed job (external services have rate limits and are based on agreements/contracts). We have developed internally our job/queue solution called Recruiter. After a year in production and many billions of jobs we have decided to put what we have learned into a stand alone project and to make it available to everyone.
On ReadTheDocs you can find the reference documentation for the Recruiter project.