𝔼𝕏𝔸ctly 10¹⁸ 𝔼𝕏𝔸lted 𝔼𝕏𝔸mples of 𝔼li𝕏ir.
EXA is a collection of utility libraries for Elixir.
The main targets of development are:
- utils for Elixir datatypes (Core)
- standard library for new data structures (Std)
- parsing/serialization I/O for various formats
- simple domain models for existing standards
- spatial types (2D, 3D)
- some 2D computational geometry
- colors (byte, hex, float, names) and color model conversion
- bitmaps and images (I, IA, RGB, RGBA) and image I/O
- image processing (r/w, subimage, reflect, rotate, resize, filter, etc.)
- fonts (read, process, index, unicode, symbols)
- graphics (2D, image, text, 3D)
- GIS geometry and file formats (CSV, GeoJSON).
- some web stuff (XML, HTML, CSS, SVG)
- graph formats (GraphViz DOT, Erlang digraph, adjacency)
- some simple graph algorithms
- other data formats (CSV, JSON, XML)
This EXA repo is just the index for all the individual libraries.
It also contains a mix task to generate consistent dependencies for all EXA libraries.
The general approach for EXA is:
- self-contained:
- all the code is here - minimize 3rd party library dependencies
- pure Elixir - minimize native code interfaces (NIF)
- performance:
- not highly optimized, but not stupidly inefficient
- Elixir is not C (or Rust), there is no inline mutability
- some data-parallel implementations (e.g. image processing)
- use benchee for benchmarking
- quality:
- not production quality
- test suite is sparse
- starting point for custom solutions
- code style:
- follow Elixir patterns and practices
- no macro meta-programming (maybe some in the future)
- old-style typespecs, for documentation, as much as for dialyzer
- separate modules for types and constants
- use standard tools, e.g. Logger, ExUnit, ExDoc
- only use tools that work in git bash shell
- packaging:
- all libraries all the way
- no web service APIs
- no containers, Docker, K8s, or cloud deployment
EXA is broad, shallow and open to change, rather than narrow, deep and immutable.
EXA aims to be as self-contained as possible, but there are some exceptions:
- contains a fork of WX E3D Erlang for image handling
- use of WX native interfaces for OpenGL and WX UI
- (possible use of the Nx Elixir tensor library in the future)
There are some command line interfaces to installed programs:
- GraphViz DOT for drawing directed graphs
- FFMPEG (ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay) for video processing
Module path: Exa
Repo link: exa_core
Utilities relating to specific language modules or features:
. -
: floating-point arithmetic and wrappers for Erlang:math
. -
: uniform and normal distributions, wrappers for Erlang:rand
. -
: permutations and combinations. -
: simple statistics. -
: basic combinators for simple types. -
: for structs built by data parsers. -
: a protocol pattern for tagged tuples. -
: for simple timing and benchmarking tasks. -
: an indentable text output formatter. -
Trivial functions for
. -
Type conversions.
Many EXA Core modules have the same name as the
built-in Elixir standard library.
The idea is not to import or alias Exa
but always use the fully qualified module name.
It is not accidental that Exa
is a short prefix.
Module path: Exa.Std
Repo link: exa_std
- Histograms for positive integer labels (IDs)
- 0D general histogram for any key
- 1D using the Erlang
module - 2D, 3D sparse histograms using Elixir
- Run Length Encoding (RLE):
- general for lists of any type
- integers, using lossless binary delta-compression
- Character Stream: incremental char from a binary String with line/column address
- Tidal: managing out-of-order streaming sequence (integer IDs)
- Map of Lists (MoL)
- Map of sets (MoS)
- Yet Another Zip List (yazl): list with local cursor
Module path: Exa.Space
Repo link: exa_space
- Positions: 2i,3i, 2f,3f
- Vectors: 2i, 2f,3f,4f
- Bounding box: 1i,2i,3i, 2f
- Transforms:
- 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 square matrices
- affine and homogeneous (projective) transforms
Module path: Exa.Color
Repo link: exa_color
- Colors: 1,3,4 byte,float
- Color models: RGB, HSL
- Color maps: index => col3b
- Named CSS colors
- Pixels and components
- Conversion utilities: byte,float
Module path: Exa.Image
Repo link: exa_image
- bitmap: create, access, update, output to ascii art and image
- bitmap/image: bitmap to alpha; bitmap matte composition
- all 1,3,4 byte pixel types
- image: create, access, update, sub-image
- basic ops: crop, reflect, rotate, histogram
- colormap to image; expand index image using colormap
- map/reduce over pixels
- sample nearest/bilinear
- convolve kernels over subimages
- downsize, upsize and resize (integer multiple only)
- split and merge for chunked parallel processing
Image I/O
- fork of E3D to read/write PNG/TIF/BMP formats
- read/write portable PBM/PGM/PBM text/binary formats
Video (only if ffmpeg is installed):
- create video from image files
- probe video for information
- play video in a standalone window
Module path: Exa.Json
Repo link: exa_json
- Read JSON files (optionally gzip compressed) and decode JSON data
- Write JSON files and encode JSON data
- Configure object conversion
- (see GIS library for GeoJSON parser and data types)
Module path: Exa.Csv
Repo link: exa_csv
- Read CSV files (optionally gzip compressed)
- Parse CSV fields into various data types
- Write CSV files
- (see GIS library for lat/lon cell parser)
Module path: Exa.Gis
Repo link: exa_gis
- Simple formats for locations and bearings.
- Parsers and formatters for location fields. Parsers can be included in CSV Reader.
- GeoJSON reader, using the basic JSON reader, with a custom GeoJSON object factory.
- Fast Equirectangular (tangent plane Pythagoras) implementation of local distances.
- Basic Haversine (spherical geometry) for distances and geodesics.
- At least one projection: Equirectangular Projection
Module path: Exa.Graf
Repo link: exa_graf
Directed graph model:
- nodes labelled by integers
- directed edges are unlabelled and unweighted
- simple: at most one edge in one direction between two nodes
- self-loops are allowed
- cycles are allowed
- unconnected graphs are allowed
Undirected graphs are supported by either:
- duplicating directed edges in both directions
- using weakly connected flag for various algorithms
The adj functional data structure for directed graphs, based on in-memory in-process adjacency lists.
A wrapper around the Erlang digraph
with data stored in ETS (in-memory database process).
An abstraction for both graphs types,
using a behaviour API and a generic Exa.Graf.Graf
uses the core Exa.Dispatch
to send calls
to the specific implementation.
Conversion between different representations.
A generic and flexible way to build graphs from vertices, vertex ranges, edges, edge chains and adjacency lists.
Graf data allows self-loops and cyclic graphs, but no multi-edges (multiple edges between the same pair of vertices).
Simple queries on the graph, such as lists of elements, presence of specific vert/edge and vertex classification (source, sink, etc.)
Functions to find:
- vertex degrees
- neighborhoods
- reachability sets
- frontier sets
- degree histograms (1D, 2D, 3D)
- connected components (weak & strong)
- condensed strong components
- tree test and root finder
Utilities based on depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS):
- graph traversal
- spanning forest
- forest traversal
- preorder/postorder
- cyclic test
Build 1D, 2D and 3D histograms from vertex degrees.
Generate topological hashes for a graph using in/out degree histograms:
- 0-hop: for each vertex
- 1-hop: for each vertex and its in/out neighbors
Find isomorphism between two graphs by using hashes for quick rejection tests, then permuting vertices in hash equivalence classes to find a vertex relabelling that makes the graphs equal.
Contract edges and linear nodes. Test topological equivalence (homeomorphism) by contracting all linear edges then comparing for isomorphism.
Relabelling of graphs to permute vertex identifiers. Combining graphs using merge of vertices and edges, or disjoint independent composition.
GDB: An in-memory store of graphs keyed by structural hashes, which supports queries for isomorphism and homeomorphism.
Serialization of adj data to/from files using Elixir term format.
Serialization to/from GraphViz DOT format.
Rendering of GraphViz DOT files to PNG, SVG images and other formats (if you have GraphViz DOT installed).
Drawing graphs by assigning structural properties to graphical attributes and conversion to DOT format.
Client applications using EXA libraries should just specify tagged releases of EXA libraries on github.
Each library will read its dependencies from the checked-in deps.ex
For example:
{:exa_core, [git: "https://github.com/red-jade/exa_core.git", tag: "v0.3.2"]}
To streamline development of EXA libraries themselves,
this exa
repo contains a custom umbrella build system.
To bootstrap an exa_xxx
library build,
you must update dependencies twice.
One way to start a build is:
$ mix deps.update exa
$ mix deps.get
EXA dependencies are generated according to a scope taken from either:
- command line argument:
--build scope
- environment variable:
export EXA_BUILD=scope
For more details, see the EXA BUILD docucument.
Any hand-drawn diagrams are created with Excalidraw
The Exa.Image
repo contains the image subset of E3D
copied (forked) from Wings3D on 23 November 2023 (v2.3):
See the file exa_image/src/e3d/license.terms
for licensing.
See source file headers for author credit and copyright.
All E3D files are:
Copyright (c) Dan Gudmundsson
EXA source code is released under the MIT license.
EXA code and documentation are:
Copyright (c) 2024 Mike French