Generates valid Angular 4/5 (Typescript) API client file from Swagger documentation with Observables instead of Promises. The lib folder from this package is based on the swagger-js-codegen.
Where -i points to a valid swagger.json documentation and -o to a directory to save the client into. For all available options have a look at the build-typescript.js file.
Usage: build-typescript [options]
-i, --input [path] The file to use
-o, --output_path [path] The output for the api ts to be placed
-n, --output_name [name] Defaults to the api_<version>.ts
-u, --url_host [url] The host to the api, overrides the host in the swagger. EG: -u
-h, --help output usage information
Simple use case package.json script:
"swagger-codegen": "node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js ./node_modules/swagger-jsonapi-codegen/build-typescript.js -i ./documentation/build/swagger.json -o ./src/app/api/"
Override the base host from your swagger file:
"swagger-codegen": "node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js ./node_modules/swagger-jsonapi-codegen/build-typescript.js -i ./documentation/build/swagger.json -o ./src/app/api/ -u"