Fastest PHP HTML Parser
The Pharse is fork of Ganon library and gives access to HTML/XML documents in a very simple object oriented way. It eases modifying the DOM and makes finding elements easy with CSS3-like queries.
Pharse is:
- A universal tokenizer
- Ability to manipulate elements and their attributes
- Supports HTML5
- Supports invalid HTML
- Supports UTF8
- Can perform advanced CSS3-like queries on elements (like jQuery -- namespaces supported)
- A HTML beautifier (like HTML Tidy)
- Minify CSS and Javascript
- Sort attributes, change character case, correct indentation, etc.
- Extensible
- Parsing documents using callbacks based on current character/token
- Operations separated in smaller functions for easy overriding
- Fast
- Easy
// Parse the google code website into a DOM
$html = Pharse::file_get_dom('');
After including Pharse and loading the DOM, it is time to get started.
Accessing elements is made easy through the CSS3-like selectors and the object model.
// Find all the paragraph tags with a class attribute and print the
// value of the class attribute
foreach($html('p[class]') as $element) {
echo $element->class, "<br>\n";
// Find the first div with ID "gc-header" and print the plain text of
// the parent element (plain text means no HTML tags, just the text)
echo $html('div#gc-header', 0)->parent->getPlainText();
// Find out how many tags there are which are "ns:tag" or "div", but not
// "a" and do not have a class attribute
echo count($html('(ns|tag, div + !a)[!class]');
Elements can be easily modified after you've found them.
// Find all paragraph tags which are nested inside a div tag, change
// their ID attribute and print the new HTML code
foreach($html('div p') as $index => $element) {
$element->id = "id$index";
echo $html;
// Center all the links inside a document which start with "http://"
// and print out the new HTML
foreach($html('a[href ^= "http://"]') as $element) {
echo $html;
// Find all odd indexed "td" elements and change the HTML to make them links
foreach($html('table td:odd') as $element) {
$element->setInnerText('<a href="#">'.$element->getPlainText().'</a>');
echo $html;
Pharse can also help you beautify your code and format it properly.
// Beautify the old HTML code and print out the new, formatted code
Pharse::dom_format($html, array('attributes_case' => CASE_LOWER));
echo $html;
Pharse is licensed under the Artistic License/GPL