libirc is an IRC utility library for Erlang.
License: libirc is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.
Feedback: [email protected]
- Mostly RFC2812-compliant parser, with some requirements relaxed
- Parser is role-agnostic, it can be used both in client or server contexts
- RFC1459 case mapping functions are implemented as NIFs
- Still needs a lot of work :-)
1> libirc:parse("PRIVMSG #services :hello, there!").
{args,[<<"#services">>,<<"hello, there!">>]}]
2> libirc:to_rfc1459_upper("~{some string}").
3> libirc:to_rfc1459_lower(<<"A binary TOO!">>).
<<"a binary too!">>
As usual, file an issue on GitHub.