Imagine a following situation: the back-end team starts working on the app you’re designing – you need time to finish the job properly while they’re forced to work with raw, unstyled HTML files. It’s painful, just ask them.
Velope was created to solve this problem – developers can take a set of pre-made HTML blocks like columns, headings, form widgets and apply them to organize the webapp before the design team finishes their work.
Please keep in mind—and I can’t emphasize this enough—that this framework is to be used solely in the production phase of development. You will need to scrape it and write new, semantic HTML with original CSS tailored to your needs.
If you ponder using this framework for the rest of the world to see, snap out of it. Velope’s HTML and CSS were designed to create a presentational layer for application’s raw data. It is not semantic, it works only on cutting-edge browsers.
Do not use this outside production. I mean it.
If you’re looking for an all-purpose CSS framework, take a look at Twitter’s Bootstrap.