generateFastqSample.py: script to generate two shorten fastq examples files from two Paired-end fastq read files.
./data/ : folder containing shortened fastq example files
Large FastQ files can be reduced in size using the provided script.
Download the original fastq to be shortened (into the same folder with this script for example). eg:
wget https://example.org/full_R1.fastq.gz wget https://example.org/full_R2.fastq.gz
Decompress the gunzip files:
Run the Script to generate two new sample files which preserve 5% of the original reads:
# generateFastqSample.py PCT_TO_KEEP R1READS_FULL R2READS_FULL 3> R1READS_SMALL 4> R2READS_SMALL # ./generateFastqSample.py 5 <(gzip -d full_R1.fastq.gz) \ <(gzip -d full_R2.fastq.gz) \ 3> >(gzip -c short_R1.fastq.gz) \ 4> >(gzip -c short_R2.fastq.gz) md5sum short_R1.fastq.gz > short_R1.fastq.gz.md5 md5sum short_R2.fastq.gz > short_R2.fastq.gz.md5