###pre-Alpha version of dsl-command-client compiler
Used to connect with dsl platform and/or/even your database (to upgrade it in unmanaged)
Provides basic functionality to generate sources and upgrade databases
call it like runme
java -jar dsl-clc-$version.jar -fdsl.props
dsl.props is a collection of properties, can contain:
[email protected]
project-id=<optional uuid of a project you wish to manage>
package-name=<namespaces of your choice>
output-path=<where the client will write generated source>
dsl-path=<where your model definition resides at>
migration-file=<where migration file will be outputed at>
revenj-path=<optional path to revenj library>
skip-diff=<true or false - should the diff be skipped if its a part of a called task>
mono-path=<place where service will be deployed automaticaly>
db-username=<username with which to connect to the database>
db-password=<password with which to connect to the database>
db-host=<database url>
db-port=<database port>
db-database-name=<database name>
target=<target source language>
actions=<action to be performed>
run with mono Revenj.Http.exe |& tee log.txt | less
at mono
/bin location
Check if it works at http://<hostname>/Domain.svc/search/<some_module_name.some_root_name_at_that_module>