Work with the IpGeoBase's database using Propel
1. Add it-blaster/ip-geo-base-bundle
to your composer.json
"require": {
"it-blaster/ip-geo-base-bundle": "1.0.*"
2. Register the bundle in AppKernel.php
new Fenrizbes\IpGeoBaseBundle\FenrizbesIpGeoBaseBundle(),
3. Build models, generate and apply a migration.
4. Run a command that imports all the IpGeoBase data:
php app/console ipgeobase:update
The bundle's service ip_geo_base
contains two methods:
returns information about IP (a range and a country code) ornull
returns an instance of a GeoCity model ornull
. You can configure the default city which is returned if there is no any right city in the database (see theConfiguration
By default the IP-address is taken from Symfony Request but you can pass it manually if you want:
There are two optional parameters that you can set:
- the default city ID. You can look it out in thegeo_city
- the state of IP detection service (defaulttrue
). You can setfalse
if you need to disable this service for a while. In this case thegetIpCity
method will always returnnull
or the default city (if it configured).
An example:
default_city: 2732
enabled: false
The bundle contains a command which import data (if you run it first time) or update it:
php app/console ipgeobase:update
By default the data file is taken from
URL. If you want to change
the data source you can pass your URL to the source
php app/console ipgeobase:update --source=""
or download the archive by yourself and pass a local path:
php app/console ipgeobase:update --source="/path/to/"
Also you have an ability to update the data from text files (but remember that they must be named the same way as ones in the IpGeoBase's archive):
php app/console ipgeobase:update --source="/path/to/cities.txt"
php app/console ipgeobase:update --source="/path/to/cidr_optim.txt"