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Introduction To Go for Non-Go Developers

DinosaurJS 2019

Plan Of Attack

  1. Background: Why Is Go A Thing?
  2. Installation/Environment Setup
  3. Basic Go Syntax and Structures
  4. Error Handling
  5. Concurrency with Goroutines and Channels
  6. Build A Baby App

Background: Why is Go A Thing?

Straight from the docs, Go was created to address performance and scalability issues at Google.

The options were either speedy compiling, ease of programming, or speedy execution, without the option to have all three.

Go fixes these problems by offering a strictly typed language that is pleasant to write in, with a super fast build time.

To do this, Go employs a lightweight but thorough type system, concurrency for handling multiple threads of work at the same time, automatic garbage collection, and strict dependency specs.

The syntax of Go comes mainly from the C family, but works to reduce the amount of code on the page and complexity around that code.

Obvious differences, coming from a language like JavaScript, include the following:

  • Go uses types. Vanilla JS and ES6+ do not.
  • Go does not have implicit error handling. If your program errors out, it will do so silently unless you explicitly tell it to behave differently. You won't get the console shouting at you if you don't tell it to.
  • Go uses goroutines to allow multi-threading, vs the single thread event call stack from Node/JS.
  • Go has opinions. There are rules that are strictly enforced and the compiler won't allow for deviations, vs JavaScript's flexible "whatever makes you happy" approach.

Installation & Setup

Follow the instructions to install go based on your system requirements.

You can also use a sandbox like, or the Go Playground.

Once you have Go installed and your GOPATH set up, create a src directory within your go directory.

You can find the base repository we will be starting with here.

Basic Syntax And Structures

Anatomy Of A Go File

Let's take a high level look at the structure of a basic go file.

package main // 1

import "fmt" // 2

func main() { //3
   fmt.Println("Talk to me Goose") // 4
} // 5
  1. Package Declaration
  • Packages are Go's way of organizing and reusing code within an application
  • These packages, like classes, expose different variables that can be used within a file
  • Every go program must have at least a main package
  • When you run go install Go creates a binary file which will call the main() function of your program
  1. Imported packages and libraries
  • These expose code from built in go libraries, third party packages, or internally created packages your program needs (think: npm modules)
  • In this case, the package fmt comes with go and provides formatting methods for standard input and output
  • Also, it's pronounced "fumpt". 🙄
  1. The main() go function signature
  • Starts with a keyword func
  • The name of the function - main
  • A list of optional parameters - not present
  • An optional return statement - not present
  • Opening curly brace
  1. Code to be executed
  • Here we're using the fmt package and calling the method Println
  • This is similar to calling console.log() in JavaScript
  • Notice that Go uses double quotes - this is an ALWAYS rule
  1. Closing curly brace
  • Indicates the end of a function
  • Is often preceded by a return statement, similar to JS

Try It Throw the above baby function into the go playground and run the program.


To access the help docs in your terminal, run go help.

Here, you can find a list of available commands to manage your go source code.

To check the docs on a particular package or symbol run go doc <pkg> <method>.

go doc fmt
go doc fmt Println


Go is a statically typed language. Unlike JavaScript, variables must have a specified type and cannot change once they have been declared. If there is a discrepancy in types, your program won't compile and you'll get an error.

Let's talk about Go's built in types.

Integer: 1, 2, 44

  • Example: var age int = 21
  • int,uint8,uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • The u indicates an "unsigned" integer, which can only contain positive numbers or zero
  • byte: alias for uint8
  • rune: alias for int32

Float: 1.5, 3.14, 2100

  • Example: var distanceInMiles float = 22.7
  • Floats can contain a decimal point
  • float32, float64
  • To see a visual of the difference between how Go stores data in these two types, visit this playground

String: "The need for speed"

  • Example: var callSign string = "Maverick"
  • Note that Go uses double quotes to indicate a string

Booleans: true, false

  • Example: var isLessThan bool = 1 < 5
  • Can be generated using the expected logical and comparison operators
  • &&, ||, !, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=

Error: error

  • Example: error.Error() ==> string
  • log.Fatal(err) will print the error message and stop execution


  • To check the type of a variable, you can use the TypeOf() method from the package reflect.

TRY IT Add import reflect under the import fmt statement, and then add fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf("hello"))

  • You can also use string formatting within fmt to print out a type:
	var f float64 = 52.2
	fmt.Printf("f has value %v and type %T", f, f)

Type Conversion

Sometimes you'll want to convert one type to another. Go lets you do this using the type name as a function.

var age int = 21
var floatAge = float64(age)


Variables in Go are written in camel case, similar to JavaScript, and can be defined a few different ways.

Option 1:

  • Initialize a variable with a type and the keyword var
  • Looks similar to JavaScript with an additional type declaration
var pilot string = "Iceman"

Option 2:

  • Go can infer the type of initialized variables and the type declaration can be omitted.
var pilot = "Iceman"

Option 3:

  • Feels similar to using let in JavaScript to instantiate and empty variable, but instead of storing the value as undefined, Go will default to the zero value for that type
  • string: ""
  • int: 0
  • float: 0
  • bool: false
var pilot string
// This will have a default value of "" that can be modified later

Option 4:

  • Declare multiple variables at once
var pilot1, pilot2 string = "Goose", "Maverick"

Option 5:

  • Can only be used within a function
  • Most commonly used pattern
  • To declare and assign a default value at the same time
  • You can omit the keyword var, and go will infer the value
pilot := "Iceman"

Var vs Const

Consts, like in JavaSript, are variables whose values cannot be changed. Attempting to modify a const will result in a run-time panic.


  • Panic vs Error:

    • There are two main types of errors in Go: Panic, and Error.

    • Panic is used when the error is fatal to your program and there is nothing else that can be done to move forward.

    • Error indicates that something bad happened, but it might be possible to continue running the program. More on this later.

  • RunTime vs CompileTime

    • Reminder that compile time errors involve syntax or type-checking. They occur when you, as the developer, are compiling your code.
    • Run time errors happen after the program is compiled and a user or browser is trying to execute that code.
    • Examples of a run time error: Trying to open a file or url that doesn't exist, running out of memory, trying to do something that syntactically is legit but isn't valid in real life (like dividing by 0).


Similar to JS, variables defined within a function can only be accessed within that function.

To use a variable in other functions within the program, you must define it externally.

func otherFunc() {
	fmt.Println(pilot) // pilot will be undefined

func main() {
  var pilot string = "Iceman"

Data Structures

  1. For Loops
  2. Arrays
  3. Slices

For Loops

The only loop in Go is the for loop. It looks nearly identical to our friendly for loop in JavaScript.

Like variables, we'll start with the most verbose version and work our way to idiomatic go.

func main() {
  i := 1
  for i <= 100 {
    i += 1

Like in JS, we instantiate our counter i at 1, and then for every iteration as long as our counter i is below 100, we print its value and then add one.

A shorter way to write this that looks more JS familiar is:

  func main() {
    for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {

If & Switch Statements

If statements look similar to JavaScript, however in Go you exclude the parentheses around the conditional statement.

An example if statement:

  if i > 100 {
    fmt.Println("Greater than 100")
  } else if i == 100 {
    fmt.Println("Equals 100")
  } else {
    fmt.Println("Less than 100")

An example switch statement:

  switch {
  case i < 10: fmt.Println("Less than 10")
  case i < 20: fmt.Println("Less than 20")
  case i < 30: fmt.Println("Less than 30")
  default: fmt.Println("WTF")


Arrays in Go have some significant differences compared to those in JavaScript.

Let's compare notes.


const grabBag = []
// or
const grabBag = ['banana', 45, true, '2']


var scores = [5]float64

In JS, defining an array is pretty chill.

You can make it whatever length you want, you can modify that length, and you can throw any combination of data types into it.

Go, however, has opinions. You must define a fixed length of elements, all of which must be of the same type. In the above example, our variable scores is an array of 5 elements, each of which is a float.

TRY IT In the Go playground, print out the variable scores as is. What do you see?

To add elements into this array, both JavaScript and Go allow you to insert elements into a specific index location.

grabBag[0] = 'hello' // => ["hello"]
ages[0] = 5 // => [5, 0, 0, 0, 0]

To add multiple elements, you could start by doing something like this:

  var scores [5]float64
  scores[0] = 9
  scores[1] = 1.5
  scores[2] = 4.5
  scores[3] = 7
  scores[4] = 8

Or, to avoid setting each index individually:

scores := [5]float64{9, 1.5, 4.5, 7, 8}

TRY IT Using the array above and a for loop, print out the average score within the array. Hint: To find the length of an array, use len(array).

What unexpected errors did you run into? How did you fix them?

When looping over arrays, we can implement a different version of the basic for loop using the range keyword:

	var total float64
  for i, value := range scores {
    total += value

Let's break it down:

  • i Still represents the index position we are pointing to in our array
  • value represents the value of the element at that index (aka scores[i])
  • range is a keyword that is followed by the variable representing the array we are looping over

TRY IT What happens when you replace the for loop from finding the average score with this one?

As we've seen, Go is very particular about types and making sure any declared variable is used within a program. In this case, we aren't using the i variable representing the index of the array and we get this error:

i declared and not used

Go uses a single underscore, _, to replace an unused variable within a program. Make this modification and watch the program pass.

Defining an array with a specific length can cause some obvious problems.

Adding or removing an element would require redefining the entire variable signature to specify a different length, which often is unknown.

This brings us to Slices.


A slice is a segment of an array. You still need to have a consistent type within the slice, and can still access elements within it by their index, and a slice has a length, but unlike arrays their lengths can change.

Instantiating a slice looks almost identical to instantiating an array, just without the specific length.

  var scores[]float64

Because slices are segments of an array, they must always be associated with an underlying array.

To create a slice, you must use the make function with takes two arguments - what you are instantiating, and a length.

  scores := make([]float64, 5)

Here, we are associating our slice called scores with an array containing 5 elements of type float64.

Note that slices can never be longer than their associated array, but they can be smaller.

We can add a third argument to make() to tell go how much of an underlying array to take up, and what length the underlying array should be:

 scores := make([]float64, 5, 10)

This would create a slice of 5 elements of type float64, associated with an underlying array that has a length of 10.

Slice Helper Methods


  • append(originalSlice, newEl1, newEl2)
  slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3}
  slice2 := append(slice1, 4, 5)
  fmt.Println(slice1, slice2)


  • copy(destination, source)
    destination := make([]int, 2)
    source := []int{1, 2, 3}

    fmt.Println("before copy")
    fmt.Println(destination, source)

    copy(destination, source)

    fmt.Println("after copy")
    fmt.Println(destination, source)

TRY IT Run the example code from the Copy block. What do you notice about the resulting data object?


Maps look and behave similarly to Objects in JavaScript, using a set of key value pairs.

A map starts with the keyword map, followed by the key type, and the value type.

 var pilotAges map[string]int

Here we are telling Go to create a map called pilotAges which will have keys as strings, and values as integers.

Let's build one with data in it:

  var pilotAges map[string]int
  pilotAges["maverick"] = 30
  pilotAges["goose"] = 27

TRY IT Throw that code into the Go playground. What happens? What are we missing?

If we run the above code as-is, we'll see the following error:

panic: assignment to entry in nil map

The (run-time!) error here, indicated by the keyword panic, is telling us that we're trying to assign entries to a map that doesn't exist yet.

Look at where we are declaring our pilotAges variable. Here, we are telling go to create a variable called pilotAges that will have a type of map with particular key value pair types. We haven't actually set that variable to a value of any kind.

Remember the make function from our slice examples? Let's do that now.

  var pilotAges map[string]int
  pilotAges = make(map[string]int)

  pilotAges["maverick"] = 30
  pilotAges["goose"] = 27

Or, with the shorthand syntax:

  pilotAges := make(map[string]int)
  pilotAges["maverick"] = 30
  pilotAges["goose"] = 27

Now we should see: map[goose:27 maverick:30]

As with arrays, we can simplify creating our map using abbreviated syntax:

pilotAges := map[string]int{
  "maverick": 30,
  "goose": 27,

To ask for a specific value from a map, you'd use syntax similar to interacting with objects in JS:

pilotAges["maverick"] // ==> 30

TRY IT What happens if you ask for a key that doesn't exist?

Go has a clever way to handle checking for null values. Looking up a value within a map actually returns two elements: the value (if it exists), and a boolean for whether or not that value existed.

  icemanAge, ok := pilotAges["iceman"]
  fmt.Println(icemanAge, ok)

This makes it easy to add logic around checking for null values within our program using an if statement:

  if icemanAge, ok :=  pilotAges["iceman"]; ok {
  } else {
    fmt.Println("I don't know what you want from me")

First, we create the two variables icemanAge and ok inside our if statement and set them to the two elements we get back from a lookup in our map.

Then, we check what boolean we got back in our ok variable. The code within the first block will fire only if ok returns true, otherwise our if block will continue to the else block.


Functions in Go, like in most languages, map a specified set of inputs to a specified output.

In Go specifically, the input parameters also require a type definition, and there is an optional return type definition.

func printAge(age int) int {
  return age

A function can also return multiple values, which both need to be specified in the return type definition:

  func myFunc() (int, int) {
    return 5, 6

  func main() {
    x, y := myFunc()

TRY IT Create a function called average that takes an array of floats. The function should return the average of the provided array. Make sure to call this function from within main()

Similar to the spread/rest operator in JavaScript, you can pass an unspecified number of arguments to a function.

  func doThings(args int {
    total := 0
    for _, num := range args {
      total += num
    return total

  func main() {
    fmt.Println(doThings(1, 2, 3))
A Note About Scope

Functions do not have access to variables that are not global, or defined within themselves.

In the variadic example above, our main() function would not have access to the variable total.


Go has a few built in helper functions that help guide a go program to behave a certain way:

  • defer: executes a line of code last within a function
  • panic: called during a run time error, halts execution of the program
  • recover: tells go what to do after a panic


Waits until everything else within a function is complete before firing.

Multiple defers are executed in a LIFO order.

func doThings() {
  defer fmt.Println("Do this last!")
  defer fmt.Println("Do this second to last!")
  fmt.Println("Things And Stuff")

func main() {

An example use case would be when opening and closing a file.

f, _ :=
defer f.Close()

// a bunch of other code you want to run once you've opened the file

This is helpful because it keeps two functions that are closely related physically close to each other for readability.

Deferred functions are also run even if a runtime panic occurs.


Panic will be called during a run time error and fatally kill execution of a program.

Recover will tell Go what to do when that happens, returning what was passed to panic.

Note that in order for recover to do its job it must be paired with defer, which will fire even after a panic, otherwise panic completely shuts down the execution of a program.

func doThings() {
  for i := 0; i < 5; i++  {
    if i == 2 {

func main() {

With the above code, once we hit the panic() function, our program will stop executing. Adding a recover() cleanup function will tell our program what to do when this happens.

func handlePanic() {
  // recover() will only return a value if there has been a panic
  if r:= recover(); r != nil {
    fmt.Println("We panicked but everything is fine. Panic message received:", r)

func doThings() {
  defer handlePanic()
  for i := 0; i< 3; i++  {
    if i ==2 {

func main() {

TRY IT Add a line that tries to print something to the console after the panic function. Comment out the defer function What happens?


When we pass an argument to a function in Go without any additional symbols, we are passing the function a copy of the original variable.

This means that modifying the argument will not modify the original variable in memory.

TRY IT Paste the following code snippet into the console. Before running it, what do you expect to see as an output?

  func makeTopGun(name string) {
    fmt.Println("in makeTopGun")
    name = "Maverick"

  func main() {
    name := "Iceman"

As you noticed, the variable name within the main() function is not modified. It still prints out Iceman even though our makeTopGun() function is reassigning that variable to be Maverick.

Check out what the name argument prints to the console within the makeTopGun function. You should see the string Iceman, which is a COPY of the value of the variable name.

Sometimes the intended behavior is not to modify the original variable - but what if we DO want to modify that variable?

This is when we would want to use something called a Pointer, which is indicated by adding a * in front of the type definition in the argument, and tells Go to expect the actual data stored in memory.

  func makeTopGun(name *string) {
    fmt.Println("in makeTopGun")
    *name = "Maverick"

  func main() {
    name := "Iceman"

You'll notice that within the main() function we also added a & character in front of the name variable as we pass it to our makeTopGun function.

When we run it this time, we see that the variable has been permanently modified and now prints out Maverick. WTF.

* and &

So what's actually happening here?

In Go, a function indicates it's expecting a pointer by placing an asterisk * in front of the type definition within the argument parentheses.

func myFunc(arg *string)

Here, our function is expecting arg to be a POINTER, pointing to the actual location in memory that stores this variable.

Similarly (but different), an asterisk * is ALSO used to dereference a pointer variable.

Within the makeTopGun() function above, we wrote *name = "Maverick". This line is saying: store the string "Maverick" in the memory location we just passed to our function.

TRY IT In the makeTopGun function, print out the argument name when using a pointer. Try removing the * from the last line in makeTopGun() to turn it back into a non dereferenced variable

This is because Go has rules, and it is expecting the incoming string to be a pointer value and will ardently refuse to work with anything else.

Lastly - the & tells Go to find the memory location of that variable instead of making a copy of it.

Once go finds that memory location, it will return the pointer version of that variable and pass that along, allowing us to modify the original variable.

Structs and Interfaces

Go provides data structures that allow you as a developer to define your own types for commonly used objects and sets of methods.

A struct is a collection of fields that have defined types and is reusable across your program.

type Pilot struct {
  firstName string
  lastName string
  callsign string
  aircraft string

Another way to write this is:

type Pilot struct {
  firstName, lastName, city string

We can now treat the Pilot struct as a type of variable and instantiate it with or without default values.

var p Pilot
p.firstName = "Pete"
p.lastName = "Mitchell"
p.callsign = "Maverick"
p.aircraft = "f14"

Or in shorthand

p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", callsign: "Maverick",
aircraft: "f14"

Then, in order to access the fields, we use dot notation similar to working with Objects in JS.

p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", callsign: "Maverick",
fmt.Println(p.firstName) // => "Pete"

To use a struct within a function, we simply add the struct name within the function signature as the type of argument we are passing in.

func introducePilot(p Pilot) string {
	intro := fmt.Sprintf("Introducing %s %s, callsign %s, flying the %s", p.firstName, p.lastName, p.callsign, p.aircraft)
	return intro

In main(), add a few lines to call this function.

func main() {
	p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", aircraft: "f14", callsign: "Maverick"}
  pilotIntro := introducePilot(p)

Let's create another struct for our squadron of pilots

type Squadron struct {
	name           string
	numberOfPilots int
	currentTopGun  string

Next, create a function that introduces the squadron:

func introduceSquadron(s Squadron) string {
	intro := fmt.Sprintf("Introducing squadron %s, with %d pilots. Current top gun: %s",, s.numberOfPilots, s.currentTopGun)
	return intro

In main we can call create instances of our structs and call each function:

func main() {
	p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", aircraft: "f14", callsign: "Maverick"}
	s := Squadron{name: "Top Gun", numberOfPilots: 10, currentTopGun: "Iceman"}
  pilotIntro := introducePilot(p)
  squadronIntro := introduceSquadron(s)

What if in introduceSquardon we wanted to modify who was Top Gun?

TRY IT In introduceSquadron, update currentTopGun to be "Maverick" Then, print out the squadron variable s at the end of main(). What do you notice?

Remember in Go that arguments are COPIES of the variables we pass in. In order to permanently modify the original variable, we need to use pointers.

Modify the arguments to use the & and * symbols that tell Go we want access to the original variable in memory.

func introduceSquadron( *Squadron) string {...

func introducePilot(p *Pilot) string {...

// in main()
pilotIntro := introducePilot(&p)
squadronIntro := introduceSquadron(&s)


Right now we have two very similar functions that print out introduction sentences about the structs we pass in.

We can reduce some repetition by implementing a method that we can call on our structs, instead of an explicit function.

func (p *Pilot) introduce() string {
	intro := fmt.Sprintf("Introducing %s %s, callsign %s, flying the %s", p.firstName, p.lastName, p.callsign, p.aircraft)
	return intro

The main difference between the function signatures is that now, instead of passing in our Pilot struct as a variable, we insert it as a receiver between the func keyword and the name of our more generic function, introduce.

This tells Go that when the introduce function receives (is called on) a struct with the shape Pilot, it should execute the code within the curly braces.

We call the method a little differently:

// former syntax:
p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", aircraft: "f14", callsign: "Maverick"}
pilotIntro := introducePilot(&p)

// syntax using a method:
p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", aircraft: "f14", callsign: "Maverick"}
pilotIntro := p.introduce()

Note that we no longer need to include the & operator - Go automatically passes a pointer to a method call.

TRY IT Modify the introduceSquadron function to be a method called introduce Modify the main function to reflect those changes

The entire program at this point should now look like this:

package main

import (

type Pilot struct {
	firstName string
	lastName  string
	callsign  string
	aircraft  string

type Squadron struct {
	name           string
	numberOfPilots int
	currentTopGun  string

func (p *Pilot) introduce() string {
	intro := fmt.Sprintf("Introducing %s %s, callsign %s, flying the %s", p.firstName, p.lastName, p.callsign, p.aircraft)
	return intro

func (s *Squadron) introduce() string {
  s.currentTopGun = "Maverick"
	intro := fmt.Sprintf("Introducing squadron %s, with %d pilots. Current top gun: %s",, s.numberOfPilots, s.currentTopGun)
	return intro

func main() {
	p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", aircraft: "f14", callsign: "Maverick"}
	s := Squadron{name: "Top Gun", numberOfPilots: 10, currentTopGun: "Iceman"}
  pilotIntro := p.introduce()
  squadronIntro := s.introduce()


If you think of structs as a set of properties within a type, interfaces can be thought of as a set of methods that define a type.

type TopGunIntroducer interface {
  introduce() string

Once again we start with the type keyword, followed by the name of the interface, and then the actual keyword interface.

Within the curly braces we list a set of methods that are associated with our interface type and the type those methods should return.

Our interface TopGunIntroducer includes any type that has a method named introduce(), which in our program includes Pilot and Squadron. Any type that defines this method is said to satisfy the TopGunIntroducer interface.

Next, create a function that can be called on any types that satisfy our TopGunIntroducer interface.

func introduceSomething(t TopGunIntroducer) {

Then, let's use our interface to introduce all of the entities in our program so far.

func main() {
  p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", aircraft: "f14", callsign: "Maverick"}
	s := Squadron{name: "Top Gun", numberOfPilots: 10, currentTopGun: "Iceman"}
  entities := []TopGunIntroducer{&p, &s}
  for _, entity := range entities {

You can also use the empty interface type to indicate that Go should accept anything.

func DoSomething(v interface{}) {
  // This function will take anything as a parameter.

Once again, our entire program should now look like this:

package main

import (

type Pilot struct {
	firstName string
	lastName  string
	callsign  string
	aircraft  string

type Squadron struct {
	name           string
	numberOfPilots int
	currentTopGun  string

type TopGunIntroducer interface {
  introduce() string

func introduceSomething(t TopGunIntroducer) {

func (p *Pilot) introduce() string {
	intro := fmt.Sprintf("Introducing %s %s, callsign %s, flying the %s", p.firstName, p.lastName, p.callsign, p.aircraft)
	return intro

func (s *Squadron) introduce() string {
  s.currentTopGun = "Maverick"
	intro := fmt.Sprintf("Introducing squadron %s, with %d pilots. Current top gun: %s",, s.numberOfPilots, s.currentTopGun)
	return intro

func main() {
	p := Pilot{firstName: "Pete", lastName: "Mitchell", aircraft: "f14", callsign: "Maverick"}
	s := Squadron{name: "Top Gun", numberOfPilots: 10, currentTopGun: "Iceman"}
    entities := []TopGunIntroducer{&p, &s}
  for _, entity := range entities {


Packages are directories with one or more Go source files that allow Go to reuse code across a program and across files.

Every go file must belong to a package.

So far, the packages we've seen are main, the package we wrote, fmt and reflect, which are built into the Go source code. There are tons of packages that come out of the box with Go.

To import packages, you list them at the top of your file either like this:

import "fmt"
import "math"
import "reflect"

Or more commonly, like this:

import (

Some of the (many) available go packages are:

  • strings - simple functions to manipulate strings

    • Example Methods: Contains, Count, Index, HasPrefix
  • io - handles input/output methods related to the os package (like reading files)

    • Example Methods: Copy, Reader, Writer
  • os - methods around operating system functionality

    • Example Methods: Open, Rename, CreateFile
  • testing - Go's build in test suite

    • Example Methods: Skip, Run, Error
  • net/http - provides http client and server implementations

    • Example Methods: Get, Post, Handle

Exported vs Unexported Names

When you import a package, you can only access that package's exported names (functions). Anything (variable, type, function) that starts with a capital letter is exported and is visible outside the package.

Anything that starts with a lowercase letter is NOT exported, and is only visible within the same package.


Within the fmt package, the function Println is exported (starts with a capital letter) and can be accessed within our main package.

Custom Packages

Until now we've been writing all of our go code in the main package and only using functionality from Go's imported libraries.

Let's create a folder called utils, and within that create a file called math.go.

In math.go add the following:

package utils

func Add(nums int {
  total := 0
  for _, v := range nums {
    total += v
  return total

And then in our main.go file, lets import and use this package.

Note that the import name is a path that is relative to the src directory. Often, this will be a github location as your files will live in a github repository.

import {

func allPilots() int {
  s1 := Squadron{name: "Squadron1", numberOfPilots: 10, currentTopGun: "Pilot1"}
  s2 := Squadron{name: "Squadron2", numberOfPilots: 20, currentTopGun: "Pilot2"}
  s3 := Squadron{name: "Squadron3", numberOfPilots: 12, currentTopGun: "Pilot3"}

  totalPilots := utils.Add(s1.numberOfPilots, s2.numberOfPilots, s3.numberOfPilots)
  return totalPilots

// remember to call allPilots() in main()


Go includes a package, testing, that contains all the functions necessary to run a test suite and command to run those tests, go test.

Test file names must end with _test.go and the Go compiler will know to ignore these unless go test is run.

Let's create a test for our Add method in the utils directory.

touch math_test.go

package utils

import "testing"

func TestAdd(t *testing.T) {
  total := Add(2, 3, 4)
  if total != 9 {
    t.Errorf("Sum was incorrect! Received: %d, Got: %d", total, 9)

In tests, the test name should start with Test followed by the name of the function you are testing. The only parameter passed into the test should be t *testing.T.

Navigate to the utils directory and run go test and watch it pass!


Goroutine: From the docs, a goroutine is a lightweight threat managed by the Go runtime.

A goroutine is indicated by adding the keyword go before the name of a function. This will tell Go to fire up a new goroutine running that function on a separate thread.

  import (

  func say(s string) {
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {

  func main() {
    go say("Hello")

If all of the code within a function is a go routine:

  func main() {
    go say("Hello")
    go say("There")

Everything will be non blocking, and nothing will finish execution. In order to fix this, we need to synchronize our goroutines, using the package sync.

To start, create a variable that sets up a WaitGroup - meaning a set of go routines you want to execute to completion before moving forward in your program.

package main

import (

var wg sync.WaitGroup

func handlePanic() {
  if r := recover(); r != nil {
    fmt.Println("We panicked! But its fine. Message received: ", r)

func printStuff(s string) {
  // Decrement the wait group counter
  // Use defer so that if the function panics we aren't waiting forever
  // Also figure out what to do if the program panics
	defer wg.Done()
  defer handlePanic()

  for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)

func main() {
  // Increment the wait group counter
  // Launch a goroutine
	go printStuff()
  // Increment the wait group counter

	go printStuff()
  // Wait for the waitgroup counter to be 0 before continuing

Here, we're defining a variable that represents our WaitGroup. The Add() function takes an integer and adds it to a behind the scenes counter. If the counter becomes zero, all goroutines are released and the program will continue.


Send and receive values between your goroutines.

Create a channel but using the make() function, and the chan keyword, including the type declaration.

myChannel := make(chan int)

Then, fire off a couple goroutines form which you are expecting values.

package main

import "fmt"

func mathThings(c chan int, someValue int) {
	// From right to left, calculate the value, send it to the channel
	c <- someValue * 5

func main() {
// Instantiate a new channel
	resultChan := make(chan int)

	// Kick off a couple go routines
	// Notice that we don't need the WaitGroup here, because channels are blocking.
	// Our channel is expecting a value back so it will block until it finishes execution
	go mathThings(resultChan, 5)
	go mathThings(resultChan, 3)

	// Store whatever we get back from our channel, in a var
	num1 := <-resultChan
	num2 := <-resultChan
  // or num1, num2 := <-resultChan, <-resultChan
	fmt.Println(num1, num2)

We can shorten this up a bit by iterating over our channel, adding back in WaitGroups, and including a buffer value when instantiating our channel:

package main


var wg sync.WaitGroup

func mathThings(c chan int, someValue int) {
	defer wg.Done()
	c <- someValue * 5

func main() {
	// second argument is the buffer to tell our channel how many times we plan on using it
	resultChan := make(chan int, 10)

	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		go mathThings(resultChan, i)

	// Wait for all goroutines to complete before closing the channel

	// Close wont wait for the goroutines to be done without additional synchronization

	for item := range resultChan {



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