A web application allowing to compose the menus of the week and the weekend while respecting the WHO recommendations.
A Vue.js project with personnal css framework
1- install dependencies
npm install
2- build for production with minification
npm run build
3- serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
Step 1: Home page
-We have navigation which allows you to see the OMS recommendations and saved menus.
-The start button allows you to enter a new menu for the week.
Step 2: Form
You have two options:
-Check the "Activate meal generation" box to generate menus based on OMS recommendations
-Unfold a day of the week and select a category according to the meals of the day.
Validate to generate the schedule for the week.
Step3: Result page
You can see the menus of the different meals of the day for each day. You have printed the schedule with the print button.
Enjoy it!!!
For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.