A plugin made to closely represent the idea of a custom old school runescape gamemode called bronze man mode originally thought off by u/jesse1412 and then realized by MLGudi. Bronzemanmode is like ironman but with one crucial difference, once you obtain a item either through a drop or through a playerkill you "unlock" it. Items that are unlocked are able to be bought from the Grand Exchange. Watch this video for a overview of the unofficial rules and the way this was intended to be played https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFNfa2saOJg&t=62s It now also includes a hardcore mode that will wipe your progress on non-instanced deaths!
- Items are grayed out in the Grand Exhange until you unlock them by gathering them yourself first, if it is your first time having a unique item in your inventory you will see a item unlocked message.
- Every player that has a name that starts with "BMM" will have a bronzemanmode icon in front of their name. This excludes yourself so don't worry about namechanging!
- You can see all your unlocks and search for specific items by opening the Collection log!
- Item unlocks are saved individually for each account you have, this means you won't have to configure bronzeman differently for different accounts.
- You can backup your unlocks with the !backup command.
- You can reset your unlocks with the !reset command.
- If you don't have a collection log nearby you can count your total unlocks by typing !count
- You can configure the plugin to take screenshots of unlocks!
For the truly daring there is also Hardcore BronzeManMode. With hardcore mode enabled any death outside of instances will reset your unlocks and pause unlocking more items until you type !continue, there will always be a automatic backup of your unlocks before they get wiped!
This account has only unlocked the bandos chestplate thus everything else is grayed out.
You can see your total unlocks and specific unlocks by opening the collection log.
You can also search for specific unlocks in the collection log.
Yourself and other people with bmm in their name will have a bronzeman icon
You get configurable popup messages when you unlock new items!
- MLGudi for bringing the concept to my attention and for help on the plugin itself
- u/jesse1412 for the initial bronzemanmode idea
- Pantertainment for the chat icon system
- Steedie for chat icon design