The Polls Building Block manages poll data for the Rokwire platform.
The functionality provided by this application is documented in the Wiki.
The API documentation is available here:
MongoDB v4.2.2+
Go v1.18+
The following Environment variables are supported. The service will not start unless those marked as Required are supplied.
Name | Format | Required | Description |
PORT | < int > | yes | Port to be used by this application |
INTERNAL_API_KEY | < string > | yes | Internal API key for invocation by other BBs |
MONGO_AUTH | <mongodb://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DATABASE NAME> | yes | MongoDB authentication string. The user must have read/write privileges. |
MONGO_DATABASE | < string > | yes | MongoDB database name |
MONGO_TIMEOUT | < int > | no | MongoDB timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 500. |
HOST | < url > | yes | URL where this application is being hosted |
CORE_BB_HOST | < url > | yes | Core BB base URL |
POLL_SERVICE_URL | < url > | yes | Polls base URL |
UIUC_ORG_ID | < string > | yes | Org ID for UIUC to use when migrating old data |
POLLS_APP_ID | < string > | yes | App ID to use for requests to multi-tenant BBs |
POLLS_ORG_ID | < string > | yes | Org ID to use for requests to multi-tenant BBs |
POLLS_NOTIFICATIONS_BB_HOST | < url > | yes | Notifications BB base URL |
POLLS_GROUPS_BB_HOST | < url > | yes | Groups BB base URL |
DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION_SECONDS | < int > | no | Default cache expiration time in seconds. Defaults to 120 |
Clone the repo (outside GOPATH)
Open the terminal and go to the root folder
Make the project
$ make
▶ building executable(s)… 1.9.0 2020-08-13T10:00:00+0300
- Run the executable
$ ./bin/polls
Clone the repo (outside GOPATH)
Open the terminal and go to the root folder
Create Docker image
docker build -t content .
- Run as Docker container
docker-compose up
$ make tests
$ make cover
$ make lint
$ make checkfmt
$ make fixfmt
$ make clean
$ make help
$ make swagger
Verify the service is running as calling the get version API.
curl -X GET -i http://localhost/polls/version
If you would like to contribute to this project, please be sure to read the Contributing Guidelines, Code of Conduct, and Conventions before beginning.
This repository is configured with a pre-commit hook that runs Yelp's Detect Secrets. If you intend to contribute directly to this repository, you must install pre-commit on your local machine to ensure that no secrets are pushed accidentally.
# Install software
$ git pull # Pull in pre-commit configuration & baseline
$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install