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Stephen Hurwit edited this page Jul 15, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Wellness Building Block wiki!

The Wellness Building Block (Wellness BB) is the service responsible for managing user wellness data in the Rokwire platform. This includes user Wellness Ring progress and Todo Lists.

API level documentation for this Building Block can be accessed by visiting This documentation conforms to the OpenAPI 3.0 standard. For the raw YAML documentation, you can visit

This Wiki provides an overview of the functionality included in the Wellness Building Block. It includes the following sections:

Todo Lists

Todo lists allow users to define and organize tasks that they need to complete.

Todo Entry Model

Todo Entries represent individual tasks created by users. To create a new Todo Entry, the user can make a request to the POST /api/user/todo_entries endpoint. To retrieve all existing Todo Entries, the user can make a request to the GET /api/user/todo_entries endpoint.

Todo Entries contain the following data:

Name Key Type Required Description Example
ID id string true The unique identifier generated by the system for this item. a8ea68e8-750d-4743-a6de-5a35498a8fb4
Organization ID org_id string true The unique identifier of the Organization with which the item is associated. 380bd40a-12ad-47e6-a4d0-835d1d29fc76
Application ID app_id string true The unique identifier of the Application with which the item is associated. 380bd40a-12ad-47e6-a4d0-835d1d29fc76
User ID user_id string true The Account ID of the user that created this task cf8a2cc9-48cd-43b3-8003-e6f21c756db2
Title title string true The title of the task to be completed Read chapter 3
Description description string false A description of the task to be completed Finish reading chapter 3 for english class
Category category Todo Entry Category false The category of the task
Work Days work_days list (string) false List of days to work on the task in yyyy-MM-dd format [2022-06-10, 2022-06-11, 2022-06-12]
Location location Todo Location false The Todo Location associated with this task
Completed completed boolean true A flag indicating if the task has been completed false
Has Due Time has_due_time boolean true A flag indicating if the task has a due time false
Due Date Time due_date_time string false The date and time this task is due. Uses DateTime format 2022-06-30T14:30:00Z
Reminder Date Time reminder_date_time DateTime false The date and time to send a reminder about this task 2022-06-30T14:30:00Z
Date Created date_created DateTime true The time that this item was originally created 2022-06-01T12:21:06Z
Date Updated date_updated DateTime false The time that this item was last updated 2022-06-06T21:23:19Z

Todo Entry Category Model

Todo Entry Categories are references to Todo Categories which are stored inside of Todo Entries for easy access. Todo Entry Categories contain the following data:

Name Key Type Required Description Example
ID id string true The unique identifier generated by the system for this item. 46cc43e1-b9b3-406e-80d6-af8e4d719cc8
Name name string true The name of this category Homework
Color color string true The hexadecimal color code for this category #FF0000
Reminder Type reminder_type string true The type of reminder for tasks in this category. Options are night_before, morning_of, and none night_before

Todo Entry Location

Todo Entry Locations represent a geographic location associated with a task. Todo Entry Locations contain the following data:

Name Key Type Required Description Example
Latitude latitude float true The latitude of the location 40.10939880806252
Longitude longitude float true The longitude of the location -88.22723323081459

Todo Categories

Todo Categories are organizational tools that users may create to group Todo Entries together.To create a new category, a user can make a request to the POST /api/user/todo_categories endpoint. To retrieve all existing Todo Categories, the user can make a request to the GET /api/user/todo_categories endpoint.

Todo Categories contain the following data:

Name Key Type Required Description Example
ID id string true The unique identifier generated by the system for this item. 46cc43e1-b9b3-406e-80d6-af8e4d719cc8
Organization ID org_id string false The unique identifier of the Organization with which the item is associated. 380bd40a-12ad-47e6-a4d0-835d1d29fc76
Application ID app_id string true The unique identifier of the Application with which the item is associated. 380bd40a-12ad-47e6-a4d0-835d1d29fc76
User ID user_id string true The Account ID of the user that created this category cf8a2cc9-48cd-43b3-8003-e6f21c756db2
Name name string true The name of this category Homework
Color color string true The hexadecimal color code for this category #FF0000
Reminder Type reminder_type string true The type of reminder for tasks in this category. Options are night_before, morning_of, and none night_before
Date Created date_created DateTime true The time that this item was originally created 2022-06-01T12:21:06Z
Date Updated date_updated DateTime false The time that this item was last updated 2022-06-06T21:23:19Z

Wellness Rings

Wellness Rings allow users to set goals and track progress on recurring goals to build positive habits.

Ring Model

A Ring represents one of the rings tracked by a given user. A user can retrieve their Rings by making a request to the GET /api/user/rings endpoint.

Rings contain the following data:

Name Key Type Required Description Example
ID id string true The unique identifier generated by the system for this item. 350a4aa8-9d0b-4839-ab24-e4ded18aa4a6
Organization ID org_id string true The unique identifier of the Organization with which the item is associated. 380bd40a-12ad-47e6-a4d0-835d1d29fc76
Application ID app_id string true The unique identifier of the Application with which the item is associated. 380bd40a-12ad-47e6-a4d0-835d1d29fc76
User ID user_id string true The Account ID of the user that created this category cf8a2cc9-48cd-43b3-8003-e6f21c756db2
History history List (Ring History Entry) false A list of Ring History Entries for this ring
Color color string true The hexadecimal color code for this category #FF0000
Date Created date_created DateTime true The time that this item was originally created 2022-06-01T12:21:06Z
Date Updated date_updated DateTime false The time that this item was last updated 2022-06-06T21:23:19Z

Ring History Entry Model

Ring History Entries represent a definition of the goal associated with a Ring at a given time. If the definition of the goal associated with a Ring is updated using the POST /api/user/rings/{id}/history endpoint, a new Ring History Entry will be created.

Ring History Entries contain the following data:

Name Key Type Required Description Example
ID id string true The unique identifier generated by the system for this item 9ca66e47-6728-439c-936f-ccbbf9266d9b
Ring ID ring_id string true The unique identifier of the Ring with which the item is associated 350a4aa8-9d0b-4839-ab24-e4ded18aa4a6
Color color string true The hexadecimal color code for this ring for this entry #FF0000
Name name string true The name of this ring for this entry Mindfulness
Unit unit string true The unit of this ring for this entry moment
Value value float true The goal value of this ring for this entry 1
Date Created date_created DateTime true The time that this item was originally created 2022-06-01T12:21:06Z
Date Updated date_updated DateTime false The time that this item was last updated 2022-06-06T21:23:19Z

Ring Record Model

Ring Records represent individual daily records for a given Ring. Past Ring Records can be retrieved using the GET /api/user/all_ring_records endpoint to get records for all rings, or the GET /api/user/rings/{id}/records endpoint to get the records for a specific ring. New Ring Records can be created using the POST /api/user/rings/{id}/records endpoint.

Ring Records contain the following data:

Name Key Type Required Description Example
ID id string true The unique identifier generated by the system for this item. fa887d12-c0cf-424a-af17-db8b848663bf
Organization ID org_id string true The unique identifier of the Organization with which the item is associated. 380bd40a-12ad-47e6-a4d0-835d1d29fc76
Application ID app_id string true The unique identifier of the Application with which the item is associated. 380bd40a-12ad-47e6-a4d0-835d1d29fc76
User ID user_id string true The Account ID of the user that created this category cf8a2cc9-48cd-43b3-8003-e6f21c756db2
Ring ID ring_id string true The unique identifier of the Ring with which the record is associated 350a4aa8-9d0b-4839-ab24-e4ded18aa4a6
Value value float true The value completed in this record 1
Date Created date_created DateTime true The time that this item was originally created 2022-06-01T12:21:06Z
Date Updated date_updated DateTime false The time that this item was last updated 2022-06-06T21:23:19Z


Notifications Building Block Integration

The Wellness BB integrates with the Notifications Building Block to send Notification Messages to remind users of their Todo Entries that are due on the current day. To enable this integration, the following environment variables must be configured:

  • INTERNAL_API_KEY: The internal API key used to authenticate with the Notifications Building Block