PetPix is an application that allows users to create profiles and post pictures of their pets to share with their friends! The application consists of 5 main pages:
- Login/Register
- Allows you to register via Google, Twitter, or by email
- You will receive a confirmation email that you must validate before your login credentials will work - Allows you to login after registering - Validates your information before you are allowed to submit
- Discover/Home
- Displays a feed of all users' posts from newest to oldest
- Has a pull down functionality to refresh posts
- Has a pull up functionality to load more older posts
- All pictures and comments will open up its own modal
- Picture modal will display the full-sized image. Screenshots of posts will send a notification to the user who made the post.
- Comments modal will display all comments in a list. Users not logged in can submit a comment as "Anonymous."
- Search - As a default, a list shows pets you recently searched - The search bar auto-suggests pets you already follow - You can search for any users in the database - You can chat directly with other users who are logged in
- Upload - Allows you to choose pictures from your photo gallery or camera roll and post it - Posts will have GPS location and captions
- Settings - Allows you to update your profile picture - Allows you to see notifications of other pets who have taken screenshots of your posts - Allows toggling of Light/Dark mode - Ability to logout
- User Profile - Similar functionality to Discover/Home page with the main difference being that all posts will be yours only
- Run "npm install"
- Run "npm start"
- Press "i" to start iOS simulator
- Read the official documentation:
Key Contributors (In alphabetical order)
👦 Ash Tsai
GitHub: @ashtsai14
👦 Dominic Mongers
GitHub: @DominicMonares
👦 Glen Li
GitHub: @yytt77
👩 Jenya Rusinova
GitHub: @jenrusinova
👦 Joseph Nahm
GitHub: @Joenahm1937
👦 Troy Yang
GitHub: @toryqyang