Runkod command line interface is available on npmjs package manager. You can easily install CLI globally with following command. Please make sure you have Node and NPM installed on your operating system.
> npm install -g @runkod/runkod-cli
All commands require Runkod API Key to work. Click here to get yours.
After obtaining your Runkod API key, you can use login
command to get started, this command also saves your API Key locally on your machine for future convenience.
> runkod login
Default command. Deploys a local folder to a project. With one command you can deploy any project/folder directly and easily.
-p, --project (project id | project name | project address | domain name)
-f, --folder (local path)
-a, --activate (any) - automatically activates the new deployment if any value given
runkod deploy
Once you are logged in and have deployed some projects, you can easily check all your projects. Following command lists all projects of the active account.
> runkod list
Creates a new project.
> runkod create
Shows a specific project and its details, status.
-p, --project (project id | project name | project address | domain name)
> runkod show
You can change status of the project with following command.
> runkod status
-p, --project (project id | project name | project address | domain name)
Removes your stored credentials from local machine and logouts.
> runkod logout
Prints active user information on console.
> runkod whoami
To report a non-critical issue, please file an issue on this GitHub project.
If you find a security issue please report details to: [email protected]