- index of stock prices for the S&P500
- operating and reported earnings for the S&P500
- projections of operating and reported earnings
- interest rate on 10-year TIPS
- operating margins for the S&P500
- composition of earnings by "industry"
- heat maps
- reads new data from .xlsx workbooks in input_dir
- S&P data downloaded from S&P's weekly posts
- TIPS data downloaded from FRED database
- writes json and parquet files to output_dir
- archives the workbooks from input_dir
- reads the files in output_dir
- produces pdf documents in display_dir
- presents quarterly data, 2018 through the present
- page0: projected versus actual earnings
- page1: future and historical price-earnings ratios
- page2: margin and equity premium using trailing earnings
- page3: equity premium usingnprojected earnings
- https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/search/?query=index+earnings&activeTab=all
- https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DFII10/chart
- pyproject.toml
- poetry.lock
- .venv
- sp500-ep-project/
- paths.py
- update_data.py
- display_data.py
- helper_functions/
- __init__.py
- helper_func.py
- read_data_func.py
- plot_func.py
- display_helper_func.py
- input_dir/
- output_dir/
- sp500_pe_df_actuals.parquet
- estimates/
- sp-500-eps-est YYYY MM DD.parquet
- display_dir/
- eps_page0.pdf
- eps_page1.pdf
- eps_page2.pdf
- eps_page3.pdf
- record_dict.json
- backup_dir/
- backup_pe_df_actuals.parquet
- backup_record_dict.json
Put new .xlsx from S&P into input_dir
- https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/search/?query=index+earnings&activeTab=all
- name: sp-500-eps-est YYYY MM DD.xlsx
Put new .xlsx from FRED into input_dir
- https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DFII10/chart
- name: DFII10.xlsx
- select quarterly, end-of-period observations
- select max period in FRED
- download as .xls from FRED
- add observation for current quarter to end of last row
- save .xls as .xlsx file into input_dir
- set ARCHIVE_DIR in sp500_ep_project/paths.py to your archive
- run update_data.py
- reads files in input_dir/
- moves input files to archive
- writes the existing .json to backup_dir/
- writes new .json file to sp500-ep-project/record_dict.json
- moves sp500_pe_df_actuals.parquet to backup_dir/
- writes new sp500_pe_df_actuals.parquet
- writes output files to output_dir/estimates/
- run display_data.py
- reads record_dict.json
- reads files in output_dir/
- writes .pdf pages to display_dir/
- pdf pages constitute the output
- Contains global variables with addresses for all files
- addresses of all folders and files fixed by the location of the sp500_ep_project folder
- user must specify location of ARCHIVE which contains input files after they have been read
- addresses the project files fixed by the tree shown above for the file structure
- uses Path()
- polars dataframe with projected earnings
- from sp-500-eps-est YYYY MM DD.xlsx
- uses files with the latest date for each quarter
- creates an output file for each input file
- one polars dataframe for all historical data
- completely udated from new input data
- records all data files read and written
- records which files have been used
- maintains date of latest file read
- maintains list of quarters covered by data
- paths.py under ARCHIVE_DIR
- remove # before INPUT_DIR = ARCHIVE_DIR
- delete record_dict.json file
- output_dir/
- delete sp500_pe_df_actuals.parquet
- delete all files inside estimates/ subdirectory
- launch update_data.py