This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of the paper Look at What I’m Doing: Self-Supervised Spatial Grounding of Narrations in Instructional Videos accepted at NeurIPS 2021 (spotlight). If you find this implementation or the paper helpful, please consider citing:
author={Reuben Tan and Bryan A. Plummer and Kate Saenko and Hailin Jin and Bryan Russell},
title={Look at What I’m Doing: Self-Supervised Spatial Grounding of Narrations in Instructional Videos},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
year={2021} }
- Python 3.6
- Pytorch version 1.7.0
- Ffmpeg
- Open-CV
The code is currently getting cleaned up and tested. It will be released very soon! Thank you for your patience.
Please go to this link to download the YouCook2-Interactions evaluation dataset and unzip it. The output folder has the following files:
- final_dataset_segments.pkl - this file contains all the video segments that are used for evaluation. Each segment is represented by a tuple where its elements are the video name and start and end times in seconds.
- final_dataset_annotations.pkl - this file contains the frame-level bounding box annotations for the video segments.
If you are interested in visualizing the YouCook2-Interactions dataset, you can do so by running the following command:
python --video_dir {directory where YouCook2 videos are stored} --annotations_path {path to final_dataset_annotations.pkl} --segments_path {path to final_dataset_segments.pkl} --output_dir {directory to store annotated frames}
To run the training code, please run the following command:
python --batch_size 512 --lr 1e-4 --epochs 10 --multiprocessing-distributed --checkpoint_dir {path to directory for saving checkpoints}
Before starting the evaluation, please download the original YouCook2 train and validation annotations here.
To run the evaluation code, please run the following command:
python -W ignore --eval_video_root {directory containing YouCook2 videos} --youcook2_annotations_path {path to json file containing YouCook2 annotations} --interactions_annotations_path {path to YouCook2-Interaction annotations file} --interactions_segments_path {path to YouCook2-Interaction segments file} ----checkpoint_eval {path to trained model weights}