You must download your data package from Spotify, this can take 1-4 weeks to deliver.
This program supports both the account data download and the extended history download.
usage: [-h] [-s] [-e] [-i] [-o OUTFILE] [-d] [-n PLOTNUM] [--start-date STARTDATE] [--end-date ENDDATE] path
Parses and charts Spotify data downloads
positional arguments:
path Path to the folder containing json files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --song Gather by song instead of artist
-e, --extended Use the extended streaming history files
-i, --include-podcasts
Include podcast data, only works on extended data
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Saves csv in current directory with specified name
-d, --dark-mode Plot with a dark background
-n PLOTNUM, --plot-num PLOTNUM
Number of items to plot
--start-date STARTDATE
Don't include any streaming data before this date. Format: MM-DD-YYYY
--end-date ENDDATE Don't include any streaming data after this date. Format: MM-DD-YYYY
If you downloaded the extended stream history data, be sure to use the -e option.
SpotifyData(path: str, searchType: str, extended=False, includePodcasts=False, darkMode=False)
The class requires two arguments with three optionals.
The class must be instantiated before using the methods below.
The path to the folder with the StreamingHistoryX.json files or the the endsong_X.json files.
The search type which is either 'trackName' or 'artistName'.
Boolean if the data is from the extended streaming history download. (The default is the account data download)
Boolean to include podcasts. (Only works with the extended stream history)
Boolean to make the chart dark mode.
Creates dictionary of playtime in minutes, keyed by artist or song name depending on the search type.
SpotifyData.create_csv(file: str)
Creates csv with playtime (in minutes) by artist or song name.
Requires the file name/relative path to save CSV.
SpotifyData.plot_data(plotNum: int)
Plots top plotNum artists or song names with matplotlib.
Requires the number of items to plot.